
It's a Blog Hop!

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Guess who's participating in Martingale's blog hop celebrating our newest collaboration with 23 designers?
Us of course! Lots going on with this fun venture. 


 Martingale will be sharing our posts and hosting giveaways during the blog hop (assorted giveaways plus three grand prizes from Martingale and Moda are up for grabs!). Click for a link to facebook.

Here's a peek at our row. The resounding conversation of our local owls greets me every morning when I let the dogs out. It the dark quiet of the early hours this is something that gives me great pleasure. This row is a tip of the hat to my early morning companions.

We have 10 of these books to give away! Leave a comment and get a chance for a new book. Great for a quick project....or if you have a sewing friend....this is the perfect gift. Winner will be announced at the end of the blog hop!

Here's the list for all participants! 

November 13

November 14
Corey Yoder: http://littlemissshabby.com/

November 15

November 16

November 17

November 18

November 19
Sandy Klop: https://www.instagram.com/sandyklop/

November 20
Barbara Groves and Mary Jacobson: http://www.meandmysisterdesigns.com/blog/

November 21

November 22
Sherri McConnell: http://www.aquiltinglife.com/

November 24
Lissa Alexander: http://modalissa.com/
Lisa Bongean: https://lisabongean.com/

Give Kids the World Village helps children with life-threatening illnesses enjoy weeklong, cost-free vacations with their families. Together, the designers are donating royalties from the book’s sales to benefit this charity.

Until later!


  1. This row is so interesting. I like your color choices as they fit so well with your theme.

  2. I love your row and especially the inspiration behind it. I'd love to win a copy of this book. Thanks for the chance.

  3. I absolutely love this row. I own the first book and the second is on my Christmas list. Thanks for a great giveaway.

  4. I love your row. I have the first book and enjoy making the rows into small table toppers. I would love to win this book.

  5. I love your row. I have the first book and enjoy making the rows into small table toppers. I would love to win this book.

  6. I always here our resident owls hooting and calling in the early night, funny how they can be so different in other areas. I am in WV mountains and they call across each hill to one another. Lovely!

  7. Your row is so interesting - I love it! It would be a fun challenge to applique I think. Thanks for a chance to win this great new book.

  8. Stars and owls --what could be better!

  9. I love your cute little owls! My almost sister-in-law loves owls and if I'll wind this book I'll amke your row for her!

  10. I love our owl row! Thank you for sharing the story of your inspiration for it.

  11. Really caught my fancy! It would be great to be selected to receive a copy of this book!

  12. I love the owl row. As a teacher we always read the book Owl Moon, and owls have always intrigued me. We often hear them on our farm, and last winter I was able to see a Snowy Owl, which was really awesome.Would love to have a copy of the book.

  13. I love hearing the owls around our place, here in Alaska. We have a Great Horned Owl nest across the river from our house. I would love to win this book and make your Owl Row. I think I would add some little Horned feathers to them.

  14. I no clue that a fall row would be in the book with all those brights on the cover. I'm going to love the book even more.

  15. Lots of great rows but this one is my favorite! I love the contrast in the colors and the adorable owl. I could do a whole row with the stars too! This book is so going on my Christmas list.

  16. The critters and creatures is my favourite section

  17. Oh wow, I love this row! This looks like a wonderful book, thanks for the chance to win!

  18. Once again you have designed something lovely. The owl row is great!

  19. Owls, my favorite, your row is delightful. This book is a must have, so much talent in the designers, I want to create their inspiring rows. Thanks so much.

  20. What a beautiful row. I love how you combined the owl with the stars to make it look like night time.

  21. I love your row but then I'm a huge fan of all your designs!

    Beth oneoldgoat1962 at gmail.com

  22. Oh I love our owls! We rescues one just like it on the interstate. It was standing on the edge of the median and would sway as trucks passed. Being a fabric person I have a tote in the back at all times. We turned around, Came up behind with the fabric and just picked it up. We put it in the tote and carried it to the pound where they called a local rescue group. We stayed to make sure it was picked and told them where we found it. It had been hit but it made it was re-introduced back to the wild. Thanks and sorry so long.

  23. Owls are so interesting. I have so many of your books and love all your designs.

  24. Great row. I love the fabric colors.

  25. I love owls, they’re very special. My 18 year old daughter passed away early last year from cancer and she loved owls. Not long after she passed, my sister got an owl tattoo in memory of her. A few days later an owl flew into her garage and stayed there overnight. She’d been in that house 7 years and never seen an owl before that and hasn’t since. I love all things owl since and I love your designs so this book is going on the ‘must have’ list. Thanks for another gorgeous design

  26. Lovely! Would be perfect for my son!

  27. Awesome row - love the owls!! mumbird3(at)gmail(dot)com

  28. What a great row! I can't wait to get started on my row quilt.

  29. Loving this row and can't wait to get my hands on one of those books!

  30. Love your owls! Thanks for the chance.

  31. What a great row! As always, I love your stuff! :D

  32. Love the All In A Row book!!! Can't wait to get the book!!

  33. Love your row! Owls are hugely popular in my family right now and a row on one of the grandkids pillowcases would look wonderful!

  34. Great row thanks for sharing and the giveaways. cork@pa.rr.com

  35. Your owl row is so cute! I would love to have this book. Thank you so much for the chance to win.

  36. I love your row of owls - awesome as always ! I'd love a chance to win the book please. Thanks Melody Bryan

  37. Watched a family of mom and 3 babies last spring in a tree near my house. Mom watched us everyday when we went out to play. Can’t wait to get a copy of this years book!

  38. Adorable row...beautiful choice of fabrics too. Would LOVE to own a copy of the book!

  39. Love the hootie owls 🦉, thanks for the great row and the chance to win.

  40. So cute, love it! Really like the color choices too. Thanks!

  41. Love the owls.. we live in the woods and iwe hear the owls often when we walk the dog at midnight! Colors are so warm and natural!

  42. Great row! My daughter would love for me to make her this one.

  43. Beautiful!


  44. I love your owls! Great row! Thanks for the chance to win the book.

  45. Oh, I just love owls and so does my daughter! I would sew love to win this book! What a fantastic row and thank you for your work and chance to win!

  46. Beautiful job. Your row just sings.

  47. Super cute ideas in the book. Love the owls! I'd love to win and make a few gifts. Thanks again. 😊

  48. Those owls are adorable. Thanks for a chance to win!

  49. Keeping with all your wonderful designs, this is no exception....love it!
    Thanks for a chance at the give-away.
    mgw070 at rogers dot com

  50. The owls are charming. Would love to win the new book. Thank you

  51. From what I've seen, the new designs are spectacular; can't decide where I would start. swalker287 (at) aol (dot) com.

  52. Beautiful birds and beautiful fabric--would be nice to have some of both at my house. Thank you.

  53. Very cute book with so many cute rows! The owls are awesome!

  54. Those owls will go so well with house blocks I have. Hoot hoot!!!

  55. Oh, I love your row!!! This time of year, I can step outside late at night to listen to the owls.

  56. What adorable little owls! Love them!

    Sandy A

  57. Your row is amazing - love your style!

  58. Love your block and what a wonderful giveaway!!!

  59. Love the owls. I've been wanting to make a row by row and this book looks great!

  60. Love your row! Looks like a great book. Thank you for the chance.

  61. Love, love, love these designs - the cover on the book makes me want to just dive in and start piecing!

  62. I love owls, so that would be my favourite row! Thanks for the chance!

  63. I love hearing owls late at night or early in the morning...

  64. I'm probably NEVER going to see owls in the morning except in my dreams, but your row inspires me to put them in a quilt. I love, love, love the dark background--it makes the owls seem a bit mystical!

  65. I love listening to the owls 'talk'. what a great row! Thank you for the fun!

  66. I love the book and your owls are the cutest thing, Alma. Thank you!

  67. I just love what I am seeing in this new book, and your row is no exception. I NEED this book. Hope I win one, but it is on my "got to buy" list if I don't. hedgehog52@yahoo.com

  68. I love these rows! This book is at the top of my Christmas wish list!

  69. Love this Row- " Whoo's the star "? adorable little owls.

  70. Absolutely love your owls & stars row! We have an owl in the woods behind our house. Love to watch him fly as you can't hear him at all ... so quiet, so stealthy. Thanks for the chance to win a wonderful-looking book!

  71. I love your owls! So adorable! Thanks for the chance to win!

  72. So cute. Have 1st book would love to win this one

  73. I can see this row over my bed. It would be fun to have the owls watching over me at night in addition to the ones in the timber near my home.

  74. Love your owl row! The colors are perfect.

  75. I absolutely LOVE your owls!!! Neat background story behind it, too. i'd love to win the Row Again book!

  76. My son and I are reading book 2 of the Owls of Ga’Hoole series, so your row is very appropriate for me! Every row I see of this book makes me want it more.

  77. Love the owls....we have owls nesting on our property!!


  78. AWESOME!! Love the row! I have an owl house in my tree and his return has been heralded by the many birds visiting the house trying to encourage him to leave! LOL I've seen bluebirds, Carolina wrens, blue jays, chickadees, goldfinch, woodpecker and titmice to name a few.

  79. Love your midnight owl row! It's so cute! Reminds me of a book I use to read to my daughter when she was little, Good-night Owl by Pat Hutchins.

  80. I like your row, the owls are sew cute!! I have not made a row quilt yet, but I think it will be fun!

  81. I would love a chance to win!! Thank you!

  82. Love the owls. Each row I see I adore. This book is definitely going to the top of the Christmas wish list.

  83. Great owl blocks. Thank you for sharing.

  84. We live near the Audubon and enjoy many owl sightings. They are such majestic mystical creatures. Love your row!

  85. Oh how I love your row! Those owls are sew sweet! Thanks for the chance to win a copy. I love that part of the proceeds are going to charity! How wonderful!
    Blessings, Patti

  86. What a fun row...yes, the book is great for table runners, small or big quilts. Thanks for sharing the great giveaway too!

  87. Your row is very well-designed; there is so much in it! Thank you for the opportunity to win.

  88. I love the owls! Beautiful designs! Thanks for the chance.

  89. Love the owls! They’re very cute and the row of owls is one of my favorites.

  90. I love your row! Thanks for the opportunity to win a book!

  91. I am loving how each person portrays the row in unique color combination.

  92. The rows are wonderful.
    I like the owls.
    The pattern would accent any room.

  93. Love the Owls and your lovely story. Thank you for the opportunity to win this wonderful book.

  94. I have never done a row by row quilt. Think I am going to try one now after seeing the book.

  95. I love owls!! I can see this row being repeated with different color themes. It would be awesome to win this book.

  96. This comment has been removed by the author.

  97. Anything involving dogs had me at woof! 😊Jillyanderson888@gmail.com

  98. Loving this quilt. Looks like so much fun!

  99. My mom has been collecting owls since the 1970's so your row would be perfect for a table runner for her.

  100. We have owls at our house, too. Love your owls in the woods!
    Judy W. jjaw(at)verizon.net

  101. Your row is beautiful! You designers are great for doing this for such a great charity. Thanks for the chance to win.

  102. Wonderful projects and fabulous recipient for this charitable undertaking. Thank you and all the designers for your contribution.

  103. Love the row! It would be great for my niece who likes owls. Thanks for a chance to win.

  104. Oooh your row is so pretty--love the colors and "whooo's to say"..maybe this will be my lucky day ;))) thanks for the chance hugs, Julierose

  105. Oh my goodness, now I definitely am going to have this book! I just told the Mister last week we need to make a couple owl houses to put out this February. Your owl is just a sweet as your Raven I’m now working on. I am a recent Lover of your designs. Thank you for sharing your talents!

  106. I love this row. My mom loved owls and since she passed away I keep seeing them everywhere. This book looks like a “must-have”!

  107. I adore your owl row! What a lovely way to remember a special quiet moment.

  108. Congratulations on your Row. The Row books are so very creative and give us such inspiration to sew them up. I live in south Florida and can appreciate your early morning song, as we have birds that awaken and begin to sing in the wee hours of the morning. It's like they are saying, awake, awake time to begin the day! Smiles, Sue (parkssueellen@gmail.com)

  109. I so admire your work! And your fabric. I have almost all of your books and like to look through and dream. This past year I participated in one of your BOM Ripe for the Picking and adore the pattern and the fabric. Since I work full time and help with grandchildren your fabric is untouched waiting for the magical day titled "Retirement"! Looking forward to your new line At Home and hope to purchase some. I would like to see what you have done with that line. Every thing you do is to my liking! Thank you and God's Blessing for you both!

  110. I so admire your work! And your fabric. I have almost all of your books and like to look through and dream. This past year I participated in one of your BOM Ripe for the Picking and adore the pattern and the fabric. Since I work full time and help with grandchildren your fabric is untouched waiting for the magical day titled "Retirement"! Looking forward to your new line At Home and hope to purchase some. I would like to see what you have done with that line. Every thing you do is to my liking! Thank you and God's Blessing for you both!

  111. We moved to the country 8 years ago and just yesterday morning I heard the owls 'talking'. Just before sunrise (I get up at 5 a.m.). One of my favorite things to hear. Your row is wonderful! Shirley

  112. That is a really packed row! Love all the owls and stars.

  113. Your row is so appropriate for the season. I would like incorporate it into a table runner. So hoping to win one of the books. Thanks for the chance.

  114. Love the owls - can't wait to see what kind of color palette you choose or if you go with their recommended pattern


  115. Love your row.. we have owls too!

  116. I haven't made a row quilt yet - but admire so many.

  117. As a person who doesn't read a lot of blogs, it has been fun looking at the different blogs and seeing what everyone's tastes are.

  118. What a cute row, and for such a good cause! I'm so glad I was introduced to "Give Kids The World Village".

  119. I love the design and the color choice...a classic.

  120. This book is a wonderful addition to the first one. Love your row!
    Can't wait to get started.

  121. Such a great row. We have a resident owl in the tree behind our bedroom. It is so wonderful to hear the hooting in the dead of night.

  122. that would be a surprise to win such a lovely book which would go to the Netherlands

  123. Love those adorable Blackbird Owls! === I feel an owl row (or two?) coming on!

  124. Love your block! Can't wait to see more.

  125. Great row! We sometines hear the owls near our house.

  126. HI,I love your row and especially the inspiration.Love to win a copy of thE book. Thanks for sharing! msstitcher1214@gmail.com

  127. I have a dedicated wall in our living room for my rows which I change seasonally. This is great for Fall - love the colors and not overly Halloween. Thanks for the chance!

  128. I love owls and your row design is so cute. Thanks for the giveaway!

  129. Your row brings back memories of my Gran, who loved - and collected - anything with owls on it.

  130. That looks like a very fun book. Thank you for the chance.

  131. This row is so fabulous! I love the stars as much as the owls. This would be worth the price of the book alone, but I see several others that are pretty enticing, too.

  132. Cute Row. Looks like a fun book!

  133. My sister loves the first book. It is cute row. I make lots of charity quilt. Have five now ready for the quilting frame. lkcquilts (at) Hotmail (dot) com

  134. Thank you! I really want the book, and your row is awesome. I love owls. We have one who lives in the woods between our house and the other side of the ravine that separates two blocks of houses. Sometimes he's close to my side and easy to hear and sometimes he flies to the other end, and it's a distant sound, but I love it! I've not seen him, and don't know the owl calls enough to know what kind, but it's a friendly, comforting sound to me. Lucky you to have a group right there to greet you each morning! dezertsuz at gmail

  135. I love the owls! The stars just add to the nighttime vibe.

  136. Your row would look good in so many different colours & fabric lines :)

  137. The owls blocks are great--it is awesome to hear them in real life!

  138. I'm just loving this new book!! What a perfect addition with all the other quilty books I have from Martingale!

  139. I love the owls and the colors you used. I would love the book.

  140. Loved the first "Row" book, and love all your designs, I'd love to get this book. Just moved 650 miles and my husband thinks I don't "need" any more books, but I do - one more!! LOL!!

  141. I love your row!!! The book would be fabulous to win, thank you. Hugs,

  142. What a wonderful row! So unique and so Blackbird Designs. :-)

  143. A really beautiful row! Love to stitch it.

  144. I would love to try your row, I love owls. I have book one and must have book two . It is so fun to make row quilts.

  145. This comment has been removed by the author.

  146. I own the first book and now I must have volume 2 because of wonderful rows like yours!

  147. I love your Owl row - it’s darling. Hope to win the book so as to make a wall hanging over my stairs. Fingers crossed!!

  148. Love this book!! So much fun!! 😊

  149. What a cute block.. and I just love this book. Can see the rows being used as decorating items through out the house - wall hangings, bed runners, or even a quilt. dquilterguy48329 (at) prodigy (dot) net

  150. Stars and Owls - what a great row. It looks like a fun book.

  151. Love all the rows so far. Thanks for a chance to win.

  152. The motifs is this book are darling. As soon as I saw the owl row, I fell in love and knew I'd need to buy this book.

  153. I've been looking for quick projects to do for friends for Christmas, birthdays, and new babies. These projects would be great!

  154. Those wise owls ate a hoot. Sew doggone cute!

  155. Those wise owls are a hoot. Sew doggone cute.

  156. I love owls so much. I was fortunate to see a pair of little ones once, and hear them once in a while. Thank you for your lovely row. kocanquilt@gmail.com

  157. This owl row is so beautiful! I went a little overboard with stashing away your Wild Orchid fabrics....so I believe I should have enough to make this row...lol! In fact, I'm currently stitching on The Raven quilt and these owls would make a great companion runner! :-)

  158. Alma, It's wonderful to meet upi and discover your blog. Greeted by an owl is something I'd love to experience....how cool that they greet you each day. I have a co worker whom is an owl enthusiast and would truly appreciate being gifted w/the Row along book and or sewing goodies. Thank you for rowing along and sharing , its so generous.


  159. Love those owls..would love your book.

  160. Your row is gorgeous! Thank you for the chance to win this lovely book.

  161. Your owl row is adorable. They pop on the page because of the muted colors you used making the whole effect more realistic. Thanks for the chance!

  162. awesome row! the story is cute too! Thank you for the give away

  163. The little owls are so cute. What a lovely design!

  164. I love beach houses, and several other rows too. Thanks for a chance to win this book

  165. I love owls and love to hear them hooting!

  166. I love owls and just finished a baby quilt with those big eyed birds.

  167. Love your row and the book looks gorgeous!

  168. Love your row and the book looks gorgeous!
    Mandy Hawkins

  169. Absolutely love your row....so Blackbird Design!

  170. I share your enjoyment of owls. We have a screech owl near our cabin who serenades us many evenings while we sit around he campfire. Your row is charming!

  171. I love this book and your owls!!

  172. This owl row is darling, and unexpected! I would love to use it as a table runner. Thanks for the fun chance to win!

  173. Love the owl and star row. Thank you for a chance to win! Karen fkmsc@comcast.net

  174. I love your owl row!!! But then again, I love birds, so that is a given!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  175. Love your row! With a grand daughter who wants to be an owl scientist when she grows up, I can think of lots of fun things to do with just this row alone! Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for the chance!


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