Pat Cross sent a picture of her wonderful hooked rug. It reminded me how little Barb and I talk about how our designs can be translated into other formats. Our latest quilt book, The Raven, is inspired by Edgar Allen Poe’s poem. Each block’s name is taken from a bit of Poe’s poetry. But, as Pat has shown us, quilt blocks translate very well into hooked rugs.
The cross stitch sampler above was originally adapted from a quilt block pattern from our quilt book Home Sweet Home. Barb changed 6 of the blocks from the 9 block quilt into cross stitch patterns. It's a little different from the block in the book....but still basically the same design.

"Merry Christmas Ella Vaughn" was adapted from the far right block in the middle row.
Any of the above blocks would made a great hooked rug too! Thank you Pat for sending your picture. We love that you took our design and did it your way!
Until later!
- Thursday, October 6, 2016