
Recent Garden Club patterns

Friday, February 12, 2016

I haven't posted the most recent Garden Club patterns. Below are pictures of number 3, 4 and 5 in the series. We are having lots of fun with this series and hope you are too!

This one is Honey Bee and is number 3. The two linens are stitched together for the pincushion too.

Above are the first three patterns sewn together.

 This one is Sweet Home, number 4 in the series. Error alert in the chart. The open circle on the graph is Gentle Arts Toasted Barley. I'm sorry I left this information out of the pattern!

 This one is Butterfly Garden, pattern number 5, and should arrive at the distributors today. It will be in the shops next week.

  Instead of stitching these two pieces together and making one pincushion Barb made two smaller ones. 

Pattern number 6 will show all six of the Garden Club patterns sewn together. Should be fun!
Barb and I are busy getting ready for cross stitch market. It's always a scramble during this time of the year....but we love the madness. We can hardly wait to drive the van out of the driveway and on the road to Nashville!

Hope you are all beginning to enjoy a bit of spring weather. It won't be long.

Until later,



  1. I really do LOVE this series. We have a SAL going on for it.

  2. What did you use on top of the ricrac on Honey Bee please? Did you stitch or use pins to attach the trim on Butterfly Garden? Love the designs and the colors!! :)

    1. Hi Dianne,
      Bring the needle up through the rick rack. Thread 5 seed beads through the needle. Stick the needle back through the rick rack and into the seam to anchor. Repeat, as the rick rack is sewn in place.

    2. Thank you!!! Will request the series from my favorite shop! This will really be fun!!!

  3. Love the series!! So happy to see the finished pincushions up close.

  4. This series is a joy to stitch. Thank you!

  5. Cette série est sublime ! MERCI !

  6. I love your designs! They have a great poem inside ...

  7. I'm on auto ship for this series...love getting the little package every week! Can't wait to stitch this!

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  9. Bonjour,

    Je m'appelle Céline et j'ai une boutique sur internet (en France) :


    J'adore vos créations !! Je suis fan !!

    Je voudrais les vendre dans ma boutique

    Quelles sont vos conditions de vente aux professionnels ?

    Merci beaucoup


  10. I found your site very beautiful and distinguished too. Thank you for your good work and continue.

  11. Can you please design a cross stitch Spring to go with the other three seasons?? I can't stitch them with a season missing... pleeeeeeeezzzzeeee....

  12. I like your pillows. They are gentle and have a lot of details. It's pleasure to explore them.

  13. There are many gardens which are now converted in the form of the clubs. I can show you my easy essay and you will definitely admire this is back. Many people want to get the membership in the clubs and they do the crazy thing while remaining in the clubs.

  14. How many patterns will be in the Garden Series?

  15. Hi Alma, I am hoping there will be reprints of Awake the Dawning Day, Christmas Ella Vaughn & Evening Shades in the Garden, these are so hard to find. I stopped stitching about 8 yrs ago & got back to stitching recently only to realize I'very missed many beautiful designs.

  16. Hi Alma, I am hoping there will be reprints of Awake the Dawning Day, Christmas Ella Vaughn & Evening Shades in the Garden, these are so hard to find. I stopped stitching about 8 yrs ago & got back to stitching recently only to realize I'very missed many beautiful designs.

  17. They're all beautiful. I think number 4 is my favorite in this batch though ;)

  18. Beautiful ... I love your blog full of great ideas , in fact I just signed up to your news if you want to do the same, it is a pleasure , good luck !

  19. Such gorgeous creations, one of my favourite colour combinations!
    i really like these types of Embroidry

  20. Love all your designs, however I'm looking for your quilt pattern called midnight silhouette. Any suggestions?

  21. Love all your designs, however I'm looking for your quilt pattern called midnight silhouette. Any suggestions?

  22. Have seen several requests, on various site, for Higdon Camp-1924, any chance it will be published again?

  23. Will there be any way "Heaven and Nature Sing" will be available again? As seems to be usual with me, I discover these patterns years after they've been available to the public, and I just learned it's in a book of patterns you've released that's now out of print. PLEASE let me know if there is any possible way I can obtain it from you.

    Thank you very much for your time.

    Melissa Jean Gilley

  24. Hello Is it possible to buy the pattern of " when this you see remember me " ? I can't find it anywhere

  25. c'est du joli travail, c'est réalisé avec soins, mais est-ce que vous en vendez pour la France ? J'aimerais décorer mon salon de voyance avec des coussins et des tableaux comme les vôtres.

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  27. Bravo pour ton blog !! Et surtout, merci pour ce contenu qui me fait toujours plaisir!!
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  28. Hi

    Could you please provide an updated conversion chart for Gentle Arts Sampler Threads to DMC for the Garden Club Series?

    I have found a problem with the conversion listed on the Basket of Cherries pattern. GA Cidermill Brown does not convert to DMC 3804, as this is bright Cyclamen Pink and looks very out of place in the design.



  29. Have seen several requests, on various site, for Higdon Camp-1924, any chance it will be published again?

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