These are grocery store chrysanthemums purchased about 3 years ago. I planted them in an outside urn and now they return every spring and bloom each fall. Upon first glance you wouldn't think they would arise any panic, but they remind me my nose better be to the grindstone. There's work to be done!!! Fall quilt market is just around the corner.
These are from my pecan tree out back. If I can keep the squirrels away I might get to harvest some of these for myself. I have seen them scamper across the yard carrying a full cluster. That's when I tell my husband to call Cynthia, my neighbor, and beg her to get over here with her gun. (We have nicknamed her Annie Oakley because she's a sure shot.)
But, I digress. After attending fall quilt market for 14 years, Barb and I are changing how we look at market. We do what we can and finish up the rest of the list when we are able. The thought of market now makes me reflect just how lucky Barb and I have been. We have been able to create a business doing the crafts we love. We are very grateful.
This is one of the quilts I've been sewing for market. I'm using two backgrounds from our Nature's Basket line of fabric. This print was a coverlet converted to a cross stitch pattern. (Moda # 2720-24) I love the business of the print and the low contrast so it doesn't compete with the applique motifs.
This is the alternating background print in the quilt. It's also from Nature's Basket. The print is Moda
# 2722-24. The repeating motifs are formally organized and offer less movement which creates a space for the eye to rest.
Invisible machine applique is the method used on these blocks. Although, I must confess you can see the stitches in these close-up it's not as invisible as hand applique. After the blocks are quilted and the binding sewn in place, the quilt is thrown into the washer and drier. The cotton batting makes everything shrink up a bit. The results are wonderful. You can see the wonderful texture of the quilting and you really don't notice the applique stitch very much at all. I'm able to applique 1 -2 blocks a day using this method.

The coverlet print (Moda # 2720-24) was also used as the background in this table runner. If you want to make your own, pick your favorite 6 blocks from the Moda Blog hop. Sew them together using the 6" block templates. The first part of the instructions follow below. The rest will be in the next posting.
1. Piece the 6 - 6" blocks.
2. Cut 2 - 10” squares from the background print. Cut each in half twice on the diagonal for the setting triangles. Use one of the triangles as a template and cut two more setting triangles.
3. Cut 2 - 5 1/2” squares from the background print. Cut each in half once on the diagonal for the corner triangles.
4. Sew the blocks together in diagonal rows to make the table runner. Trim if needed, leaving a 1/4" seam allowance along all of the edges.
Until later!
- Wednesday, October 2, 2013