Newest Loose Feather Design

Friday, August 9, 2013

The second Loose Feather pattern in our abecedarian series should be in shops soon. 

     This piece celebrates my mother’s family. Mom’s maiden name was Lampshire, symbolized by the initial “L” in the center of the piece. The date inside the lower right heart indicates the year her parents married. The initials located on the chart belong to Mom, her parents and her brother.
     Many members of my family moved to Holland from England in search of religious freedom. During the mid-1600s, they began to emigrate to America in an effort to preserve their English traditions. This sampler reflects my Dutch heritage.
     This sampler is bittersweet for me. My mother became ill the end of May and never was able to recover. Her brother, my uncle Wayne, passed away 7 months earlier. I designed this piece before my mother and her brother became ill. I'm so glad to have this with all of their initials together.
     Use the alphabet in the sampler and the numerals provided in the chart to personalize this piece for you and your family.

Barb and I are crazy busy getting ready for cross stitch market in St. Charles. During these times of trying to gather it all together to make the deadlines we usually look at each other and wonder if we will make it.

Usually it all comes together thanks to the wonderful people who help us with our work. We will have a couple of kits, new Halloween patterns and a book. Will give some previews as we get closer to market!

Until later,



  1. What a wonderful tribute to your mom and uncle. I love your abecedarian series.

  2. Sorry to hear about your mom; it's never easy. I love that you honored your family with this design.

  3. What a lovely design, and thankyou for sharing your family's story. The fact that you created such beauty in honour of your heritage makes me believe that your family will live on through you and yours :)

  4. Beautiful design! So sorry about your mother and uncle. This is a wonderful way to remember them. Looking forward to seeing what you have for us at market.

  5. I really think this was a beautiful way to remember your mom and uncle. The sampler is lovely. Kathy

  6. Can't wait to see Halloween - I have this chart on hold at Crosse Stitchery/Main Street Framing in LaCrosse, WI - best stitching store ever

  7. The sampler is just so lovely. The colours of the threads so well choosen. A bittersweet... but precious sampler. Thanx for sharing your story... it's a honour to your mother and uncle!!!!

    I want to wish you strength for this year of greeve (hope I spelt it right)...

    The Netherlands

  8. What a heartfelt piece. Sorry to read about your losses. A precious project.

  9. I'm so sorry about your losses. What a beautiful piece to honor your loved ones & your heritage. Thinking of you.

  10. Love the next design in the new Loose Feathers series and can't wait to see the new Halloween design(s) coming out at Market!! And new "kits" too? Exciting!

  11. So sorry for your loss Alma! Love your new Loose Feather and am starting it today. Thank you for sharing the history behind the design. Looking forward to all your Market releases!

  12. so sorry for your losses - your piece is such a touching tribute and remembrance of two such special people in your life.

  13. How lovely that your work memorializes family for future generations. So sorry to hear of the loss of your mother, Alma.

    A question for you ~ do you use a hoop or a frame in your cross stitch work? I'm sure I'm not the only one who would like to know your preference and I can't recall that you've mentioned this before. I don't like the marks my hoop makes but have never used a frame.

  14. Hi Jan,

    Thank you for your kind regards.

    I do not use a frame or a hoop. I have noticed that my hand does stretch the linen as I stitch...almost like a hoop. My fingers do get sore if I stitch for a long period of time. I think my lack of a frame or hoop is because I was taught to stitch without one. The hoop seems to get in my way.
    Barb uses a hoop. She likes how the fabric is stretched and it's easier to count accurately. She does press her piece after stitching and I haven't really noticed any frame marks.

    Pat Ryan, of R & R Reproductions, does an enormous amount of stitching for us with her smokin' needles. She also likes to hold her fabric "in hand." She has stitched about 75 samplers so far this year.

    So...long story short, I'd say just stitch the way that makes you the most comfortable!

    1. Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my question, Alma. I think I'll try it your way ~ certainly sounds easier than a scroll frame!

  15. It is looking so adorable, I really appreciate yor effort.

  16. I am so sorry about your mother and your uncle. My own uncle is fighting cancer right now, and I'm putting his initials, my mother's, aunt and grandmother on mine. Love this one so far. The colors are so pretty.

    Alma, or anyone reading, can you tell us the style/model number of the frames you used for your models, and the company that makes them? Thank you so much. Kevin

    1. Hi Kevin,

      I'm so sorry to hear of your uncle. I know you are thinking of him as you stitch. Barb and I are thinking of him and your family during this hard time.

      We are using a frame from PFI

      I'll call them and get the frame numbers for you. Look next week for details.


    2. Hi Kevin,

      Here are the numbers for the frames.

      05-10-100 dark gold fillet

      07-52-503 Flat-cognac

      We used a fillet as you note above and then the plain dark frame. We like the light the fillet adds.

      Hope this helps!


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