
New Loose Feather Pattern - Autumn

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Autumn, the second pattern in our Loose Feather series, is at the printer and will be in the warehouse next  week. It will probably take another week for your local shop to get the pattern....so in 2 weeks you could be stitching instead of raking leaves. Although, raking leaves can be fun too! Especially when the weather is nice.

Dave and I have been busy with fall cleaning. After the heat of the summer is gone, I begin to feel like working a bit more around the house and yard. Time to clean the garage and get rid of  those items that haven't been used in a while. I've made about 15 trips to Goodwill and Savers to help unclutter and empty the house. (I think I could make about 15 more loads and not make a dent in the volume of stuff here.)

Barb has been busy working on quilts! We've done photography for our next quilt book and are working to finish it up as market quickly approaches. 

Well....must go for now. Will be back soon with more information about the quilt book and some show and tell also!

Until later,



  1. It's beautiful! Don't you just love Autumn?

  2. Your new loose feathers chart is beautiful but I'm really excited to see the new quilt book! Your books are so inspiring1
    ~Joyce in MI

  3. Love the new design ~ I hope Primitive Gatherings gets this pattern in. I also like the Raven Bewitched in the previous post.
    Thanks for sharing!
    Prim Blessings

  4. Love it! Fall is my favorite time of the year. Looking forward to this and your new quilt book.

  5. That is a beautiful pattern, love the shades you used.


  6. Thanks for the peek - what a lovely design!

  7. Ooooh, I love it! Great new design. :)

  8. Amazing! I love Blackbird Designs! Hugs!

    Cyber Julka

  9. I love this pattern thank-you for such beautiful work.

  10. Is this book getting ready for Market? Yes, yes???? O, will bring an extra suitcase to bring it all back home. Love to meet you there!

  11. love it! i am in the same mode! I swear all the Goodwill drop off people know me by name! But I can now stand in my closet! In fact I like standing in my closet! lol

  12. Oh pretty!!! Love it -- and I can't wait to see the new quilt book too!

  13. This is a great new I was waiting for it not thinking about what it would like :)))
    Thanks a lot for your lovellies charts !!!!

  14. Very very beautiful !! I love both new designs !

  15. Je l'attendais avec impatience, il est superbe - merci

  16. Be sure to purchase these designs from your local needlework shop. Purchasing from discount sites will eventually make shops extinct.
    That would be sad :-(

  17. so amazing, so beautiful...
    can't wait to see the new quilt book

  18. This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I love seeing websites that understand the value of providing a quality resource for free.


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