
Hello Spring!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Spring is in her glory. The crab apples are in full bloom.

My peach trees are full of tiny sweet blooms just waiting to turn into large juicy peaches. Just thinking about how that happens makes my head hurt. The miracle of nature!

Tiny violets are peaking up through the blades of grass.

After our winter, these are very welcome. Some of these offer a great bonus. Many flowers are edible. Make sure your flowers have not been sprayed with pesticides. Use them sparingly. Some can cause digestive problems. (Click on edible above to get a listing of flowers good for this process.)

Grab a clean paint brush. Put an egg white in a small dish and add a tablespoon of water. Whisk until foamy.

Paint the egg white mixture on the front and back of each petal.

Sprinkle fine sugar on the flowers. I only had the regular sugar, so I ran it through the Cuisinart food processor using my metal blade.

Violets, pansies and johnny jump-ups are all great flowers to use.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place the flowers on parchment paper. Slide the parchment paper onto a baking stone. Turn off the oven after the 30 minutes and leave the flowers inside the oven for another 4-5 hours until they are dry. Remove the stems and use the flowers to decorate a frosted cupcake or cookie.

These turn out so sweet. Great way to celebrate spring!

Here's my progress on Elizabeth. I have to admit I feel a bit guilty working on this sampler. I have so much work I should be doing....but I am really enjoying this one! I just keep looking at it and can't believe I have gotten this far.

Above is the pattern cover for the last Anniversary of the Heart series. It went to the printer today....so it will ship out to the distributors in a week's time. Look for it soon. The previous blog shows a picture of the bonus pattern that is included in this pattern.

Until later!



  1. Beautiful, I look forward to the book!

  2. Oh wow, the last AotH block is beautiful!! I can't wait.

    Elizabeth looks FANTASTIC!

    I loved reading about the flowers, too.

  3. What a wonderful conclusion to the AoTH series - I'm really looking forward to getting this!

  4. Wild Violets are my favorite flower, and don't they look gorgeous sugared! Thanks for explaining and showing these steps.

    The last Anniversaries of the Heart design is just gorgeous - just like the rest of the series!

  5. Candied flowers -- figures you would know how to make them! You know everything! :D Love how Elizabeth is coming out! And I love the last AotH too! The whole series is a must-stitch!

  6. This is a beautiful post. I didn't know it was so easy to sugar coat flowers. They make any dish look grand. Your sampler is looking pretty grand also.

  7. Gorgeous, I can't wait!!! I've been stalking your blog waiting on a picture, LOL.

    E Sheffield is gorgeous too, the colors are wonderful.

  8. oh very beautiful !

    marylin France

  9. Thanks for the tips on the flowers - they are really beautiful. Keep going on that sampler, and forget the guilt!

  10. Your Elizabeth is beautiful and you're postings have convinced me that I need to stitch her too.
    The last AotH block is wonderful. Thanks so much for designing this wonderful series of charts. It's been a pleasure to stitch.

  11. I can't seem to find any BlackBird designs in our town. Is there a great web store to order from?

  12. Great to see what you can do with flowers, a lovely idea.
    The last anniversaries is fabulous, love the houses.
    I do like Elizabeth's sampler, such lovely birds.

  13. Love the cover pattern, beautiful piece.
    I need to replant flowers, and redo the soil.


  14. What lovely pictures! Enjoyed the how-to on making sugared flowers as well. Spring is coming to Chicagoland as well- finally!

  15. My Mom's name is Jane and I love this block. AoTH were just a lovely journey thru many memories - thanks for sharing with us - Melody

  16. Just wanted to know if the flowers you are using are from Africa Violets? I didn't know they were edible.

  17. Thank you for sharing this project , I'mm try it out. But a question, the 200 degrees is it F. or Celsius? it so high. Your work is very nice .! Greetings from Bruges Carine http:/patchworkstar.blogspot.com

  18. Hi Carine,

    It's 200 degrees F.

    Hi Diana,

    These are not African Violets....you need Johnny jump-ups or Pansies. Check the link given in the posting. It will send you to a site that lists many editable flowers.

  19. Alma, I just purchased the pattern strawberry summer any ideas what fabric line might work for this? Love the bonus AOTH and can't waitto buy it. Thanks Debbiesandcastlecottage@gmail.com

  20. off topic, but wanted to let you know martha bingham passed away this week in her hometown of princeton, KY. if you'd like, can email me for more info...

    linda smith

  21. Hello~

    I am fairly new to your blog (I found it during the Moda Blog Hop in February) and am an avid quilter. However, since I "found" your blog I have become fascinated with cross stitch and have been following your progress with the Elizabeth sampler with great interest. I would like to give cross stitch a go, but I am not sure where to start. Could you recommend a good book that would give me some specifics? (I've embroidered stamped pillowcases and such for many years - not sure how to go about it without the picture stamped on though). Any guidance/suggestions you can give will be most gratefully appreciated.

  22. Alma-I'm visiting the KC area this week/weekend. I've tried searching your old posts for a place or places you talked about to find vintage or unusual trims. Couldn't find it. Can you help me out?

  23. My Mother-in-laws name was Elizabeth Jane and I really enjoy this piece. I will be stitching it for my daughter who was named after her grandmother. I'm excited to do this one for her!

  24. I absolutely love AotH series especially done as one big piece. How about doing something that can be personalized for those of us Aida stitchers. I just can't work on linen properly because of eye issues.

  25. Knock Knock, is anybody home? You haven't posted in a month. Are you busy designing the next loose feathers series? Just wondering????

  26. I check you every day, sometimes more than once.....missing you!

  27. Missing you! Hope all is well with you!

  28. I miss you too! Didn't see any pics of your always beautiful booth at market. Hope all is well. Hugs!!


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