
Quick Pattern Update

Friday, September 17, 2010

We are getting ready to print 2 new patterns. Waiting for the Harvest just spooky enough for the season! Barb gave me the projects late last night. We did a "open the car door and exchange things" in Panera's parking lot. (We really meet in a lot of great places. Barb says it looks like we are doing drug deals....but we would never do that....just cross stitch and quilting deals.) She just finished the last stitches....and I had just left a mystery book club meeting so a late night meeting was perfect. (Will have to write more about my new ventures in attending a book club later....)

The second pattern is Flowers of the Field. Both the small sewing bag and pincushion are in this pattern. I love the soft faded colors of this one. I'm still working on the covers...so there might be some small changes in the patterns...but they will be ready to go to the printer early Monday morning. Look for them in your local shops in about 2-3 weeks!

Hope you all have a great weekend!

Until later,



  1. Oh my gosh! Is there ever a design you make that I don't love? Fantastic! Can't wait for them to come out!

  2. Ohhhh I love them both. I will be patiently waiting for the harvest :)Love it

    Cross stitch and quilting are addicting so I guess you could say its a drug, therefore you are conducting ludacris acts LOL

  3. I would totally do the top one - even though I'm not into "spooky", it could easily become bright and cheerful with a little color change.

    Great work, ladies!!

  4. Congrats on the new patterns. . . beautiful and nostalgic looking. Just love it~ BTW, I did a covered box for an exchange present and I'd like to send you a picture but I don't know how to contact you. . .

  5. These are beautiful and I can't wait to pick them up!!!

  6. Lovely! Thanks for letting us see them. I had to giggle at the mental picture of you two doing a "sleazy" exchange in a parking lot, lol!

  7. Love the designs...tell me you don't both wear trench-coats and fedoras when you make your parking-lot exchanges....

  8. Alma, I love your two new patterns! The garden party fabric looks great too. I have been busy working on my Garden Magic quilt today. Lots of fun! Wonderful fabric, beach house! Bye, Debbie

  9. Hi Amy,

    You can reach me at alma@blackbird-designs.com

    would love to see!


  10. I want these I really want these how long before they are available?
    they are beautiful.

  11. Some more "over the top" patterns! Nancy in WI

  12. Love Flowers in the Field. Can't wait till it's available.

  13. I love both of these! Can't wait to stitch them!

  14. Wonderful designs. Love them both.

  15. I really love Waiting for the Harvest, that's a great design!

  16. LOL what meeting points and moments you choose! But it works, doesn't it?The patterns turned out great again!

  17. What do you mean you're not doing drug deals!!!!! You, Jo Morton, Maggie Bonanomi, Stacy Nash, Jeanne Horton, and a few others are king pins in the cartel I patronize. Good grief, I'm getting the DTs just knowing you won't be teaching next year. Don't know how you two ladies keep doing it, but you just keep producing beautiful gotta have designs. Now down to counting the hours until B&B. Vic now says he too is a BBD groupie. Love ya!

  18. They are just gorgeous! Hope you have a great weekend too!

  19. I do love the harvest -- and the other is nice, too!

  20. Love them and I've already pre-ordered them :-).

  21. Both are very sweet! You guys are down-right EVIL! LOL! Love everything you do!

  22. Love the soft hues of your new designs Alma. Thanks for the peek.
    Panera is one of my favorite hang outs when I find one, I will watch out for you two!!

  23. Your ideas seem endless!
    Love it all!
    Hugs, Angela

  24. Love both designs and can't wait until they are available. Each piece that you come out with is more beautiful than the last. And I do have to agree with the commenter -- you guys are at the top of my addiction cartel!

  25. OMG! I think I say that an awful lot when seeing your new designs, but they always make my mouth drop open and send me in a tail spin of giddy delight! I absolutely LOVE them! You girls are the very best. Love ya!!!!!! Penny

  26. Love the Harvest one, 'specially!!! Will have to get that one now!!!

  27. L-O-V-E them!! I'd love to hear about your book club, too. A mystery book club, no less--I'm SO jealous! Did you read the Hunger Games (Suzanne Collins) series? It's young adult and totally not something I ever thought I'd enjoy. I'm so glad that I decided to pick them up--they are a fantastic trilogy. Just FYI!

  28. Love them all!!!
    I laughed when I was picturing you two "exchanging" in the night LOL

    Thanks for more wonderful designs!

  29. love love love Waiting for Harvest .. need it NOW! lol :)

  30. Love them both but I "NEED" Waiting for Harvest NOW! LOVE IT!
    Another couple of winners - thanks for the peek! Melody

  31. ohhhhhhh! I love it !
    this is fantastic ! merci


  32. Those stitcheries are totally yummy! I have been a proud owner and fan of yours for many, many years. Well, not THAT many, but a lot of years. Keep 'em coming...

  33. woh...great..both are design very attractive ....your each and every thing design very fabulous..i want pick all..

    Thanks for sharing...

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  34. I have a question about your chart Hedgerow Birds.
    It calls for Crescent Colors Jakey Brown for an area that looks purple on the picture. Is it correct?


  35. Hello friens, I have a QUESTION¡¡¡¡
    When I am embroidering with mingrewhite threads and use the wax conditioning, the thread is very dirty, so do not use it when I´m embroidered with white or light color thread.
    Thank you.

  36. Hello friends, I have a QUESTION¡¡¡¡
    When I´m embroidering with white threads and use wax conditioning , the thread is very dirty, so I don´t use it when I´m embroidered with white or light thread .
    Thank you,

  37. I love your quilts. I am currently working on "Posies in the Valley". I have used traditional fabrics and batiks. I enjoy your patterns and ideas.

  38. which book can I find the pattern "appliqued floral and flag"? thank you

  39. Alma, how do I find out chart corrections? I am doing Summer House and cannot find the color designated for the basket atop the house. Thank you Connie Bechtold

  40. Hi, LOVE your designs. Any chance you might reissue Blessings Be Thine and Christmas Garden? I know they are OOP but I guarantee there is a lot of interest in them! Just hoping...

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