
The Graduate

Barb and I were not able to go to Spring Quilt Market.....and pictured above is the reason why! My youngest graduated from college. Look at his joyous face! Congratulations Greg!Barb and I are very sorry we missed seeing everyone at market. Thank goodness Edie McGinnis, our editor, presented our newest book, Country Inn during schoolhouse at market. It should be in shops very...

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Anniversaries of the Heart

Pat Ryan of R&R Reproductions is stitching the complete piece for us. She sent this piece to show her progress. As we work on the house patterns, we stitch them individually. But we send the patterns to Pat so she can progress on the larger piece. The empty space is left for one of the bonus pieces...which was to be released in October....

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Time for a Garden Party

The random number generator has spoken....here are 8 winners. E-mail me ... alma@blackbird-designs.com and let me know your address so I can ship out the fabric packs. Congratulations!!!1. #36 Leslie Allen said...Now, I would LOVE to collect Pink Hill manor, but since finding your blog, I've ventured off to your quilts (after a 7 year hiatus in quilting), even though and I'm two...

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Country Inn

Our newest quilt book. It's at the printer now and all the proofing and corrections have been made. It should be done in a couple of weeks....just in time for market. This one has quilts, food and other fun projects.My friend and editor, Edie McGinnis and I went to Spring Green, Wisconsin right before last Christmas. We stayed above Country Sampler (quilt and...

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