

Monday, March 1, 2010

Radishes have been my favorite spring decorating item. At least they have been for the past 3 weeks...but now I'm thinking about tomatoes. I'm wondering if I should take a lunch break.
Barb and I took a day before cross stitch market to attend The Heart of Country Antique Show in Nashville. (You know us!!! We can't resist looking at old things.)

While walking around looking at dealer's booths...I noticed many were selling these sewing tomatoes. The tiny hanging strawberries are so cute. I've never really desired them before....but after seeing them over and over again, I fell into a hypnotic trance and had to purchase 3 of them.

I placed them in an apothecary over my kitchen sink.

The cheese board above was one of my purchases also. I love using items like this for display. Just right for serving up a pincushion. The old pins that came with this tomato are pretty swell too.

Tomatoes......tomatoes....we must have tomatoes.....are you in a hypnotic trance now too?

In the book Honeysuckle Manor pages 13 and 15 please change:
/ Belle Soie Sandy Beach (DMC 739/738) to
/ Belle Soie Vanilla Pudding (DMC Ecru)

I'm making a correction label that will be included in the books sent out this week....but if you got one of the earlier copies please change your books.

Thank you Nancy for letting me know!

If you all want to throw tomatoes at me for my mistake, I don't blame you....just make them those vintage cloth ones!

Until later!

Your sorry friend,



  1. Whew! You told me just in time! :D I was just contemplating starting that piece!

    You always have lovely taste in your antique/old acquisitions. I wonder how old those tomatoes are?

  2. I love your tomatoes! I recently found one at an estate sale for pennies, and I can see a collection starting!

  3. Alma we must be kindred spirits...I collect the tomato pincushions and have them in a giant glass jar! I pick them up at estate sales and in antique malls. Love them!!

  4. yay for tomatoes...I was thinking of making a tomato salad tonight if the farmer's market's got any decent ones. :D (No antiques allowed!) maybe they'll even have some heirloom ones!

  5. I found a box full of them back when I taught home ec. Most of the strawberries had lost their stuffing.

  6. I ordered the book on Friday with fabric and threads and can't wait to start it so I'm glad to see your correction. I just bought 3 tomatoes at an antique mall over the weekend as well. One of them is teeny tiny and is more pumpkin colored but oh so cute! I love how you displayed yours.

  7. I often wondered the same thing, about why certain little treasures appeal to us on certain days? Therefore we cannot live without them. No explanation necessary.Thus our collections continue to grow. I love tomatoes, either way with pins adorning them or sliced and embellished with salt and pepper! Louise

  8. Well you know s--t happens and then you go on. No one is perfect and if you were your name wouldn't be Alma and mine wouldn't be Susan.You said 'sorry!' we have the corrections so...
    Happy Stitching!!!

  9. I like the pin tomatoes cusion, I could see me collecting them and putting them is a container for my sewing room, good ideal! HAPPT SEWING!

  10. I'm sorry for the mistake but happy just because I have the Vanilla Pudding but not the Sandy Beach! ;) I can not WAIT to get my order. I saw the mailman on the start of his bicycle rounds, delivering the mail, and I contemplated throwing a stick into the spokes to get him to stop so I could see if my stuff was in his basket. Then I figured it might be bad karma, so instead I am lying in wait just inside my front door, next to the mail slot, breathing heavily with anticipation.

    I love the tomatoes and strawberries! How neat. I like the tomato on the cutting board, ready to slice up some sewing and stitching time!

  11. I've been collecting tomato pincushions for years and have many jars sitting around my house. They are so much fun and I get such a great feeling when I find one hiding in an antique shop. Can't resist them!!

  12. I love the old tomatoe cushions and they look wonderful in your jar. I have a small collections in a dish, I hope you don't mind me borrowing your idea...hugs, Linda

  13. Tomato pin cushions are one of my collections in my overall sewing memorabilia collection! Thanks for the heads up on the correction. My book should be arriving any day!

  14. Alma, we're letting everyone that calls know..don't beat yourself up. It will all work out. :)

    Sharon Crescent

  15. Alma
    Those tomatoes of yours looked sooo familiar, so I got out my sewing box and sure enough they look exactly like the one I have had for about 47 years, except that mine is on a little red stand. Would love to send you a picture but I'm fairly new to blogging and not sure how to do that so I will go and put it on my blog.
    By the way - all of your new patterns are on my shopping list for Lois at Elegant Stitch. Thanks for your lovely work.

  16. I just love these tomatoes! Well done... Tomatoes... I must have tomatoes... lol

  17. just as I'm obsessing over pincushions you go and post old ones in the cutest display

    just stop that!!!

  18. My mom always had tomato pin cushions. Seeing yours makes me think of her. She used to sew all my clothes when I was little on an old treadle Singer machine. I remember standing at her elbow watching her sew and making designs with the pins in the pin cushions. Occasionally I gave into temptation and pushed the needles down inside where they would be lost forever!

    Thanks for a trip down memory lane!

  19. Alma, when will we see the Wildflowers book with the quilt with pieced stars and applique? I need something new to applique!


  20. Buttons -- I have it bad for buttons. Could certainly be worse! :)

  21. Love the tomato on the cutting board!

  22. These little squidgy tomatoes are really addictive. I saw some in a very old habadashary shop and decided to buy one but came out with 4 intending to send some to friends. In the meantime I put them in a little bowl and there they still are :>)

    There are no tomato patterns here but to 'feed' your radish passion but there is a very pretty free radish design :>)
    It's a lovely site full of free designs which explain speciality stitches. R for Radish and R for Running stitch.


    Angela xx

  23. Alma, I love your new book and will definitely be ordering it.

    Can I ask whether these tomatoes are available online? As you say, they grow on you!

  24. These were a lucky find. I had an old one but one of my dogs chewed it up! I would like to find some more.

  25. Votre travail m’a beaucoup surpris car ça fait longtemps que je n’ai pas trouvé comme ce magnifique partage.

    voyance par mail rapide


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