Ok....I know you are going to say, "Quilling?" But I can't stop myself. I saw the picture below on the blog site, Tongue in Cheek. Corey, from Tongue in Cheek, called the piece a relic. Take a look at her Jan. 13th posting to find more about this piece. It was made to contain a lock of hair....And yes, I copied the picture from her site....I feel badly. I don't normally take other people's pictures....but I COULD NOT HELP MYSELF! Go visit her site... You will really enjoy her stories. (click on the name of the blog for a link) Tracy Riffle, from Hands to Work gave me the heads up a couple of months ago. Thank you Tracy!

Anyway.....I couldn't quilt thinking about quilling. My mother used to make things years ago....and they were really lovely....but when I saw the piece above I got in my car and went to Hobby Lobby to get the supplies. (That's another story!)

I just finished the piece pictured above....and it's easy. Just like applique. 1/4" strips cut from an old book and watercolor paper, my favorite PVA glue from Paper Source and the quilling tools and here's my first try!
I glued the pieces on the inside of a box lid. I'm going to cross stitch a piece for the top of the box and then paint the rest of the box. I used old paper to cover the inside of the box lid and then sprinkled a bit of coffee and baked it for a short time to dry.
Well....back to work!
There will be Show and Tell part 2 tomorrow....don't forget to view yesterday's posting to see Show and Tell part 1.
- Saturday, January 30, 2010