
August Stocking and contest

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The weather is beautiful here. As I hung out my laundry I though a nap in the grass would feel just right....but I can't today. I'm sewing and watching a movie on my small TV in the studio. It helps to have a movie or book on tape going. Time passes a bit easier with some kind of entertainment as I sew.

Beth left a comment yesterday about her Quaker sampler. After stitching part of the sampler she found a small hole in the linen. She then set the linen aside. I'm adding this picture to illustrate a technique I add on purpose to some of my stitched pieces. The below picture shows a close up of Summer Iris, the last small piece I stitched.

Above the initial "A" you note a small "mended place" in the linen. I took a loose linen thread away from the fabric edge and wove it into the linen. I like the extra texture these small weavings add. These places are not easily noticed at first glance. Beth, I think you should try to mend the hole and add another linen fiber woven into the area and continue on your merry way! Bet it will make it look older and add some extra visual interest.

The above photograph is the cover of the August Stocking pattern. I have changed the cover format a bit. The remaining 2 stockings are pictured on the back cover. I thought this change to the cover design gave more space for a clear photo. The two on the back are larger photos also. If you hate it, let me know. I can do the next pattern in the original format if you wish. The stocking pattern will be at your local shops very soon.

And now for the Contest!

Don't ask me why I'm choosing this as the prize....this thing is so heavy....it will cost me about $100.00 to ship it to you. And when they ask at the post office if there is anything dangerous in the package I will have to claim this as a weapon. If you throw this at your husband....and if it hits him ....he will instantly agree to go and clean out the garage. (I'm just kidding....I tried it on mine and my garage is still a mess!) But as it's just too cute I will send this to the winner.

The prize is from French General by Moda fabrics. This heavy weight pincushion also has thread and a graph to stitch your initials. I know you will love adding this to your collection! (Barb and I each had to get one for ourselves too!) The other stuff in the photograph is not in the contest...just props for the picture.

You know the drill....just leave your name in the comments section and I'll spin the random number generator. One entry per person please! Will notify the winner on Thursday!

Good luck! And remember you are all winners to me!

Until Later,



  1. Please pick me! I love that pin cushion.

  2. You and Barb find the coolest stuff.

    Pam Gephart

  3. You can never have too many pin cushions. Please enter me in your drawing.

    Thanks, sandyxstitcher@gmail.com

  4. Alma, I love the new cover with just one stocking showing!

    The pin cushion is darling!

  5. Oohh I'd love to join in the fun for the 'weapon'. I promise to look after it, and not use the weapon too often. DH won't know what hit him!

  6. Ladies -

    You have such a wonderful blog! I love following all of your activities! Thanks for another contest!

    Carol B.

  7. That is just so lovely and wow I love the August stocking please enter me in your randomer thingy.
    Barb in Uk

  8. Super pin cushion, who would suspect a little pincushion as a weapon if it did accidently whakc DH LOL

  9. OH! Love French General goods! Thanks for another contest. I have the zippered scissor case that you sent filled - with a sock I am knitting. It's just the perfect size to carry around with me and get a few rows done on the fly!

  10. Love you blog and you work. Please enter me in the contest.


  11. Hi Alma! Absolutely loved your Tis Halloween book. I've picked my favorites and will begin stitching. Thanks so much for the wonderful patterns. I'd love to win a pincushion! Terry in Iowa

  12. Thanks for a chance to win. The "mended" linen tip is great.

  13. Hi Alma,

    Nice to know how to mend the linen!
    Enter me in your drawing please like the pincushion!


  14. Great tip with the linen weaving! Thanks so much! ~Sharon

  15. The pin cushion is wonderful, I would love a chance for it. I love seeing what you are up to!

    Susan S.

  16. I'd love the pin cushion. I also like the tip about mending the linen. Good idea.

  17. Ummm, a pincushion from the new girl on the block, French General. Who wouldn't want to have one of those! Please put me into the drawing... my garage is a mess too!

  18. Thanks for the mending idea - love that! That pincushion is IT!! How beautiful - love French General. Great giveaway!

  19. Love it! Would love to be entered in your drawing :o)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Please add me to your drawing. Thanks for the post about mending, I noticed it on your recent loose feathers pattern picture and wondered what it was!


  22. I'm praying for the random number generator!

  23. I live in Kansas and the weather has been amazing. I would love a chance to win the adorable pin cushion. I received my copy of the Halloween Stockings last week and can hardly wait to start one. I love you blog and look forward to new posts.

    Happy Stitching, Connie

  24. Hey Alma - great prize - looks like it would also be an awesome frame weight for needlepoint. I'd love to win this so please put in me in the drawing. Thanks Melody

  25. That is one sweet pin cushion!! Please enter my name!


  26. Oh, I would just love to win this - plus, I have a husband and a garage so I think it is more of a need then a want.

    Thanks for entering me in the contest.

  27. I love the print on the pincushion!

    Valerie Simpson

  28. Alma, I'm patiently waiting for the August book to arrive at my LNS.....I have an August birthday and I want to celebrate it (a little late) with a beautiful stocking. As for the weapon....I mean pin cushion.....I sure could have used it on my husband Sunday when I asked him to take out the garbage. Maybe next time I ask I'll have reinforcements!

  29. What a nice cushion ! Thank you for your contests !

  30. What a treat it would be to have that pin cushion! As for its alternate use, I have three boys and a husband to keep in line!

    Thanks for the tip on mending the linen!

    Please random generator - pick me!


  31. What a darling pincushion. I would love to win it.

  32. Thanks for the tip on mending the linen. The pincushion would be a welcome addition to my (or any) sewing room. Thanks.
    Kathie L in Allentown

  33. Your solution for the small imperfection in your linen was perfect. Since this seems to be the "year of the pincushion" I would love to add that one to my collection..Enjoy the little remainder of summer..Louise

  34. Is there anything in this range that is not gorgeous?

  35. pick me pick me..i will find something else to wack hubby with dont! dont want blood on it! katie

  36. Oh, I don't know why I even bother... winning doesn't seem to be my "thing"... but enter me in your contest anyway, Pleeeeease?

  37. I love the pincushion, and your blog.
    Ellen W.

  38. I loooove this pinscushion. I will need to keep my fingers crossed hoping to win it. I won't get much done but thats OK.

  39. Please enter me! Too cute!
    Denise S.

  40. I really need this! My garage is such a mess, lol ;)

  41. It's much more expensive to send it to Europe.
    But I give it a chance.
    Love your blog.
    Greetings Martine

  42. I hope I'll win :d

    Greetings, Babs

  43. I just noticed your intentional mending on your stocking, very cute! I did do the same on my sampler, I pulled off a couple of strands from the linen where the edge was unraveling, and did what you did, and then tossed it in the drawer, I haven't touched the thing in months. It just looks better on yours! Ooooh, please enter me in the drawing.

  44. Please enter me in your drawing. This is one of those days when I wish I had a weapon!

    I like your new format because you can see the design better, but I wish you could show us the back too!

    And, I love your mending idea. I stitched the Beatrix Potter Quaker sampler and bled on it about 3/8" size mark. Even though I tried the old saliva removal technique, the linen started to wear, and I would have had a whole if I continued. So I used the color thread I used for stitching and mended over it. I have to admit I love the aged feel it gives to the sampler! It makes me like it even more seeing that you do it on purpose sometimes!

  45. My husband would probably use the weapon on me. Every area of his is tidy.

  46. I LOVE that! Please include me in the drawing and thanks for another great giveaway!

  47. It is truly lovely and I would enjoy being its proud owner. Thanks for sharing.


  48. Hi Alma, Please include me. Although postage to Australia might break the bank.

  49. I am so addicted to your stuff that I have begun hunting down retired Loose Feathers . . . to have something sent from you would tickle my heart. Please include my name!


  50. I love that pin cushion!!

    The "weaving" on some linen is a great idea. I've been working on a Quaker sampler and wondering what I'd do if I found a hole. Now I know!

  51. That is too cute. I hope it is MINE! thank you for the opportunity to win.


  52. Please add me to the contest! Love pincushions and all sorts of gadgets and things!

    Tedra, Phoenix, AZ

  53. Wow, just what I need a weapon and a pincushion all in one. That's two prizes for one. Wooo Whooo!!! I collect pincushions, and I don't have this one, thanks for the chance.

  54. How lovely. I would like to be in the draw though it will cost a bit to send to Australia.

  55. Love the pincushion! Please, enter me into your drawing. Thanks! Simone from the Netherlands

  56. The cover with just one stocking is really cool (as well as the pin cushion).

  57. I love your suggestion on mending the linen. Especially since you do that just to add texture. Very cool. =) Would love to win the weapon, err, pincushion!

  58. Love the stocking...might be my favorite one yet! I would love the chance at getting my garage cleaned out =) Meagan

  59. Oh cool. I would love that pin cushion.

    Love the cover of the stocking leaflet too.

  60. Alma, I love the cork with the stick pins in it. What a great idea! Thanks for the contest! Penny

  61. And you and Barb are WINNERS in my book! Thanks for the contest. I'm looking forward to the August stocking!! Thanks

  62. I do so need an extra pin cushion. Please include me.

  63. Love your technique for dealing with holes in the linen!!! Excellent! Very similar to a technique I heard about when sewing a quilt...put a small applique over the little hole you may have snipped into the fabric!!!

    Kathy in Massachusetts

  64. I so need a pin cushion soo much!!! Would love this one!!

  65. What a neat way to help with that occasional or accidental hole in linens! Thanks for the tip and the visual, so great! I think I will try this just for affect!

    And I think the new cover is awesome! Much more impact!! And I really, really love that stocking! Cute!!

    And I would love, love, love to own that pincushion! Thanks so much for the opportunity!

  66. Oh I am loving that pin cushion. Please enter me too :)

  67. oh, gosh, i think that pincushion wants to live at my house - darling! sandi setelzrow@grandecom.net

  68. It is lovely, but I hope you don,t have to post it to Australia!

  69. A free pincushion? Of course I'm throwing my name in the hat.

  70. Alma

    I would love to win! Teresa / IL

  71. I love your pincushion. Please throw my name in the hat. dmj53(at)hotmail(dot)com

  72. Yes, please enter me. Thanks so much. :D

  73. Thanks for the tip about mending a hole...it might come in handy some day.

  74. What a cool pin cushion....love it...Please enter me in the contest.

    Happy stitching...Lynn

  75. Sweety sweety , lovely lovely...I'm in love with that pincushion.

  76. I adore this pin cushion from French General. I am keeping fingers and toes crossed, also my four cats are keeping paws crossed...

  77. Please enter me into the draw for that great pincushion!

  78. Please add me to the list for the prize...I could always use another cute pincushion!!! Your stocking design is really nice such a clever idea to do a stocking for each month!!!

  79. I love that and would be honored to win!
    Claudia B.

  80. oh, pick me, pick me!!! :)

    Jennifer Dalenberg

    Feathers in the Nest

  81. A lovely pincushion. Please enter me into the draw.
    Happy stitching, Perri

  82. Alma, I love the pincushion ~ oh and the little stockings too :)

  83. Thanks for the contest - please include me in the draw! The new stocking is a darling!

  84. Oh pick me! That pincushion/ weapon is great (and useful!) The August stocking is my favorite so far- love that it has a house and the photo is nice and clear.Nancy in NY Hedghogmom@aol.com

  85. I loved your idea of simply "fixing" the hole in a piece on to instantly age it. I am more of a quilter but love your samplers too! Please enter me in the contest. Thanks!

  86. Oh Goodie ~ a contest, sounds like fun again:)


  87. I love pincushions! I think I need one for every room. Please pick me!
    I also love the August stocking. They are all pretty cool including the Halloween ones.

  88. As always, another cool gift!
    Thanks for the chance.
    Love the August stocking!

  89. Great Pincushion!! Please add me to your drawing :D


  90. I love your stocking for August! I'm waiting patiently it for it to be released. I just want to say thanks for the time you take maintaining your blog with your busy schedule. All us Blackbird fans appreciate it! Nancy in WI

  91. Love it. Love your new stocking too!

  92. The August cover photo looks great! I would like to win the pincushion, maybe if it is heavy enough my cat won't try to play with it.

  93. Alma, you're always so clever about things! I would never have thought to do that if I got a hole in my linen. I will try to remember that tip. You make it look so pretty! I love the new August stocking so far! Can't wait to see the other two when I get the chart!

  94. I love your contests! And I love the way you mended the linen to make it look old. You are so clever!

  95. French General has the coolest things. I love the cover of the stocking so sweet...

  96. That little pin cush rock!

    Becky B

  97. Well either we are in need of a gorgeous new pin cushion or many of our husbands need some inspiration to get to cleanin the garage.
    LOL....you gave me a good chuckle on that one Alma...thanks for sharing with us, its always fun to enter your like contests.
    Love your new stockings...once again.

  98. Teresa Kasch
    from IL with her fingers crossed!

  99. Yummy, what a great giveaway. I absolutely love everything you both make!

  100. Oh wouldn't I just love to win this! ? I got one and was dumb and gave it away as a gift!

    I like the new format for the stocking patterns - much easier to see@

  101. Thanks for the tip. And thanks to you, I ordered a blackwork sampler. Just what I need is another hobby to add to the knitting and quilting.

  102. I would love to enter the contest! I just finished the daffodil stocking from March...I'm a bit behind, but I'll catch up!

  103. I just finished making the needle keep from Autumn Song. I agree a girl can never have too many pin cushions. Thanks for the chance to win.

  104. I love the weave you put into your sampler! It is just what the stitchers of the past would have done. They would "make-do"!
    Great advice!

  105. Very col pin cushion. French General has been on my watch list for a few weeks now!! Thanks for the give-away!!

  106. Oh, I would love to be entered into the pin cushion drawing. If I was picked you wouldn't have to send it far since I am Rebecca from Iowa (different then another Rebecca that posted).I do love your mending comment instructions. I will have to try this, I love how it looks and could add age to a piece.

  107. Please enter me!

    And, I am glad to see the August book out.... but, I like to see all three stockings on the front so I know what they all look like!

    I will have to remember that mending technique.

  108. I love all of your work - I have to go out and get the Halloween stocking book.

  109. I would love a chance to win that pin cushion. I enjoy your blog.

  110. Cannot wait for my Halloween stocking book to arrive complete with linens and threads. A pin cushion win would be a bonus!

    Sandy in NJ

  111. I'm always checking your web sight to see what kind of trouble you can get me into. Thanks for taking the time!

  112. ME - Me - Me! Please xoxo Kaye
    (how selfish does that sound)

  113. Oooo, please enter my name!

  114. what a lovely way to start September with a contest! Include me please :)

    And I love the next stocking!

  115. Oooooooh, pick me! Love the pin cushion and love your designs, they're always wonderful!

  116. Another wonderful giveaway! Thanks for the chance...again, lol!!!)

  117. Please count me in for the draw!

    Gosh - I LOVE that stocking! I haven't done X-stitch in years... but I am so yearning to pick it up again!!!!

    Warm wishes, Vikki :-)

  118. did I mention that I don't have an honest to goodness pin cushion and if I don't win, I might have to break down an make one myself? Okay, so maybe that is just a tad melodramatic...but could you enter me anyways! BTW...love your stuff!

  119. I've loved that pincushion since it made it's debut on blogland!

    Please add my name to the hat.

  120. Awesome! Something useful for sewing and defending myself! I'm in!

  121. Yippee--another chance at a prize. Love the stockings.

    I am thinking of making one of these pillows with the year of my parents & grand parents wedding--maybe even for my siblings and their anniversary year.....would be nice little gifts to commemorate their dates.

  122. Ohhh ... another wonderful treasure with a French connection. Thoughts of Petites Lettres Rouge still make me smile! Thank you for another contest!

  123. Oh, I need one of those! Pick me please?

  124. Thank you for the contest.
    I'm looking forward to seeing the next new releases.

  125. I promise that is I win this pincushion I will not harm anyone with it. Thanks again for a great blog! Laura

  126. It's always fun to leave your name , and hope you are picked for something so wonderful. Thanks.

  127. Oh, what an unusual pin cushion! I love pin cushions and would love this one as you say it's nice & heavy (needing something to throw at DH).

  128. Thank you for the suggestions on a repair. It will come in handy. Also, please enter my name in the contest. Love the August book. I'll see you in October in Va. Beach. Nancy

  129. I'd really like to win that pincushion!

  130. This is clearly one of the most enjoyable blogs to read each day. Wonderful contest.

  131. I would like nothing more than a pincushion that doubles as a lethal weapon. :D

  132. I love the pincushion as I love all your designs, they are just awesome and all I wish for is lots more time to stitch them all, hugs, Giuseppina

  133. Alma I would love to be added in the contest for the pincushion. LOVE your August Stocking book. Hope my LNS has it soon.

  134. Adorable! What a great find, I'm sure whoever wins will love it.


  135. Love the pin cushion, hate only being able to see one stocking at a time.

    - Sue, too

  136. Would love to be entered in your drawing. Thanks so much for the wonderful blog and designs you and Barb come up with.

    Dixie (California)

  137. I'd love for this pincushion to join the rest of my collection.

    Thanks for the opportunity, Barb.

  138. OOOH, would LOVE to win the pincushion from French General, thanks for sharing! Also love the Aug stocking, now I see why you weren't on your blog for a while ~ missed you! Love evrything you share with all of us, mainly your talents! Take care, and take a nap outside!:) Debbie

  139. Wow, you are so generous. So many ways this could come in handy if I win!

    Laurel Mannen

  140. Ooooh, please pick me "oh great random generator thingy"!! It would be so cool to win. Thanks for the chance.
    P.S. Love the new stocking; who doesn't love sunflowers. And I'm still drooling over the Halloween stockings. I can't decide which one to do first!


  142. that is a wonderful looking pincushion .. it would look great next to my stitching chair!! karen ca

  143. Congrats on the August stocking completion! Looks great! Oh, by the way, Alma, I cleared a nice spot right next to my sewing machine for that wonderful General's pincushion...lol. Thanks for a chance to enter the drawing!

  144. I would love to be entered in your contest. I also love the new stocking.

  145. Love all your designs and I really enjoy reading your blog site--keep going----Hugs, just, Di
    and I love collecting (and making) pincushions!!!

  146. Please oh Please let me win!!!


  147. I just love the August stocking book, I like the way the cover is, except I wish you had added a pic of the back so I could get a look at what else is in store for me.
    I am making an acorn pin cushion now from a online retreat we did a couple of weeks ago, but can you have too many pin cushions...I say NO!!!!
    Thanks for a chance to win. Judy

  148. Please add my name to your contest drawing.

    The cover of the August stocking book is great, can't wait to see them all.


  149. i love your blog and your designs. i've ordered "halloween 1904 - can hardly wait for it to arrive!
    please enter me in the drawing for the pincushion!


  150. What a pretty pincushion! I would love to be entered in your giveaway :)

  151. I think there is one side table in my house without a pincushion! Love your blog....


  152. Don't we all NEED another pincushion? Especially one that is a weapon...I know I do!
    Thanks for the chance

  153. Love how you patched up the hole. I like to patch things like that too, gives it more of an antique look.
    Love the pin cushion, wonderful look with the date.


  154. I absolutely love it! Please enter me in the drawing. :)

    Karen H.

  155. i'm such a "francophile"--would love the pincushion!! thanks for all your beautiful works.

  156. Love the pincushion. Also like the August stocking shown. Already have one Halloween one stitched and another started. Fun to stitch.

  157. I'd love to be included! Thanks, Tami

  158. What a nice pin cushion! Please include my name in the drawing.
    I really like your new stocking, too.
    I think I like being able to see all the stockings on the front cover.


  159. Love the "mended" linen, and the pincushion is wonderful!

  160. I think the mending is a great idea. Please enter me into the drawing.

  161. Lovely pincushion
    Count me in!


  162. please count me in I love the French General range

  163. Thanks for all the lovely designs. I'll enter into the contest too.

  164. Please include me. I hope I win ! Thank you !

  165. This new stocking seams beautiful like all the others !
    Greatings from Belgium

  166. I love the little darning stitch you've done in the iris pincushion.
    And, as i love pincushion, i'd like get this new from french general. :-)))

  167. This pin cushion is great! I would like to be entered in your contest, too! :o)

  168. It's gorgeous! Please enter me.
    Greetings, Cisca

  169. Ok, I'll bite! I'm happy to see you blogging again. I'm sort of a addicted to the Blackbird Designs Blog! I know, get a life right? Love the blog and am always impressed by what you post.

    Please enter me in your drawing,
    Thanks, carolinmesa@yahoo.com

  170. Oh I hope the number generator likes my number, because this pincushion will look fabulous in my sewing room! Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway!

    Cathy ♥

  171. Alma, thanks for the contest again, please enter me too! This pincushion is so adorable!
    Your August stockings pattern looks great ;)
    Have a nice day!


  172. Alma, I love that August stocking and how it is the only one on the cover. Please enter me in the contest and thank you!

  173. Thanks for another great contest-no matter who wins!!

  174. Please add me to your giveaway!!!
    Karin :)
    in NY

  175. oh I have wanted one of those pin cushions!
    I love the idea of making my quilts look older too, isn't that funny how hard we work on making things look aged except ourselves!!!!
    Thats a great tip for making the sampler look old!

  176. Oh Hi Alma Please pop my name into your contest I would dearly treasured that sweet pin cushion. How wonderful that would be I'll ask the man in the big bright moon to shine down on me with luck. Kind Regards. Jill

  177. It's a lovely pin cushion! PLease enter me in the drawing, too!

  178. Wo , that's a big one !!!!
    Please enter my name

  179. Alma - I like your idea for adding the faux oopsie spot and adding texture to the background of the design. But, what if you end up with a hole in the area you need to stitch in? I ended up with a big hole in a piece I'm stitching. It was in my bag and I still haven't figured out how it happened. I took sewing thread in a near color to the fabric and darned the spot. I haven't had a chance yet to stitch on it, but I'm hoping I'll be able to stitch over the spot and no one will ever be the wiser that it was there. Do you have any tips for this problem?

  180. Thank you for the chance to win the lovely pin cushion. Love your blog. from Jenny McH

  181. I'm feeling lucky;)

    -Holly in Virginia

  182. Random Generator, please stop on my number/name...
    Thank you, Ladies !

  183. is there some significance about 1892 I wonder?
    suzanne in australia - catscats16@y7mail.com

  184. I like the new format of your pattern booklet. I like seeing more of the details. Thanks for entering my name in your drawing.

  185. Thank you for the tip about linen weaving. I'll use that one for sure!
    I'd love the chance to win your pin cushion. Maybe it's so heavy because it's filled with magic little garage-cleaning gnomes! :^)


  186. Your August stocking is just beautiful! And thanks for the giveaway! I'd love to have that pincushion! Enjoy your day! :0)

  187. I think the cover is fine, can't wait to see the back (and they're due in today!)
    Love the pincushion! :-)


  188. I love the small weaving in your stocking, a great looking technique. Love the cover of the August stocking to. It looks great. Its a shame your garage is still a mess. Maybe the two of you could hit him with the pin cushions at the same time. Only kidding ;-)

  189. what a cutie! I am sure it wold love a home in Sydney :))


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