
Something Fun

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I should be working...but wanted to write to you today and share a couple of things with you. This project was just too fun....and I know you all like fun things too.

First you have to get these supplies:

1. Matte Spray
2. Adhesive Magnetic Sheet by Tree House Studio....or whoever....I just found this product at Hobby Lobby
3. Sponge Brush
4. Delta Ceramcoat Gloss - Exterior/Interior Varnish

While stitching this past week I lost a couple of needles....I know, you are probably saying, "How could you? You have a million pincushions all over the house!" But I have been threading several needles with different colors and slipping the needles into the linen until I'm ready to stitch with that color. Well, as I moved from place to place with the linen...some of the needles slipped out. It just wasn't the best idea. (Now I'm hoping we don't step on them....that really hurts.)

But I thought if I had a magnetic strip on my floss ring this wouldn't be a problem. After stitching Summer Iris I took the linen to Kinko's and made several color copies. The one I liked the best was reduced to 79% of the original stitched piece.
Took the copy and trimmed it down. Save a bit of extra space around the color copy for a second trim. Cut the magnetic strip the same size as the trimmed color copy with my rotary cutter. Pulled back the adhesive protector on the magnetic strip and positioned the color copy in place. I then trimmed the piece again.

Color copies smear easily...this is where the matte spray really helps. I lightly sprayed 2 coats of matte spray over the piece, allowing it to dry between coats.

Now the varnish. I used a sponge brush and gave it 3 coats. Let it dry well between each coat. Punched a hole in the top and WAHOO! A cute magnetic needle holder. The magnetic part is on the back of the piece. I wish the color side was magnetic....but it's only magnetic on the back. But still very cute. You could do this with anything you stitch....make one for each project....but I'm really fond of my Summer Iris magnetic needle holder.

Now for the results!!!

Above is the picture of the magnetic strip on the back. Look how it's holding all of my needles in place....do you ladies see all of the John James needles? (I followed your advice!)

Here is the front of the magnetic needle holder. I know I've placed the needles on the front...but it's just for the photography.

Here it is again with the Summer Iris pincushion and strawberry.

What fun, right? I know you will want to make some of these....so easy. Make several at a time. I think as much time as it takes to stitch a project, we should be able to use it in different ways. Gives it another life.

Summer Iris is going to the printer today and will be available in the shops in two weeks.

One more fun thing for you to see.

Bonnie Olson sent pictures of her Peacock pinkeep. She stitched it over one thread. Wonderful Bonnie! Thank you for sending these to me.

Oh yes...also take time to visit Rebecca. She has just started a blog and has some great Blackbird Designs projects I know you will want to see.

Until later dear friends!



  1. What an awesome idea!!! Will try it soon - I too like to have needles prethreaded - saves ever so much time!! This would be a great project to teach as an add on!!! Blessings - Jill

  2. Alma you don't know how I HATE to get my hands dirty with glue and dye and all that stuff!!! But you make these things so CUTE that I am forced to give them a try. I have even bought some Rit dye and have a jar etc... from your previous pictures. You are opening a whole new world for this old woman!! By the way, do try some Bohin needles. they are awsome! Two the Point has them. Also Prairie Point has their fabric marker that is great.
    Please continue entertaining and informing us!

  3. That is a terrific idea! How fun to have matching needle catchers! I am definitely going to have to make some of these!!!

  4. Well ain't you summpin'?? Smart gal Alma. Thanks for sharing. Hugs

  5. I can't wait to get the supplies to do this. How fun! My mom is also a stitcher, so I see making a few of these in the near future. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day.

  6. You are a genius! How do so many fantastic ideas keep spilling from your head? I can't wait to do this.

  7. Great idea but just thought - could we not use a magnetic strip inside a floss tag? We could even glue two pieces together and both sides would be magnetic.

  8. Hi Carol,

    Let me know how this works! Your idea sounds great!

  9. What a great idea! I have a lot of the big magnets from advertisers and this would be a great way to use them. Not only are you a great designer but you have great ideas about other things too! I think quilt pictures from catalogs would be good on them too.

  10. Way cool idea! If you made one for each project that you worked on they would serve as a keepsake afterwards . . . you could have a whole collection on a key ring to browse through in the future. It would take me quite a while to get a collection together unfortunately - but still a fantastic idea. Love your fabric!

  11. You always have such great ideas, Alma! You're amazing. Me, I just cross those x's and sit in front of a sewing machine. lol!

  12. Oh my heavens, that's sheer brilliance!! We are soon off to the US for our family holiday and I am *so* going to stock up the supplies to make myself a batch of these!!! (No doubt the supplies exist somewhere here in the Netherlands, but even after 13 years in the country, I cannot seem to find anything!)Thanks for a great idea, and the link to a neat new blog. :D

  13. Ooh, what a brilliant idea Alma! I will definitely have to have a go at this! :o)

  14. What a great idea! Thanks for the description. And congrats to Bonnie for the lovely Pinkeep.

  15. Now that's clever and pretty!
    Following on from Carol R's suggestion, I'm going to have to get cracking on the Bluebird threadkeep pattern that's been in my WIP basket for a while using a magnetic strip instead of card inside.

  16. I love the magnet idea! I am copying these instructions and keeping them until I can get the materials together. :)

  17. So clever! You know, I've never stitched a floss tag. It's time.

  18. Great idea for the needle keep.

  19. What a great idea for a project....I think I'll try this one out soon! Thank you so much!

  20. I like this idea!

    And, would love to see pics of more threadwinders. You seem to have a great collection : )

    Always, Lelia

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Curious whether I can purchase something like that from you? I'm not good at handmading stuff but would love to give something like that to my college writing service colleagues as a farewell gift


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