
My First and Last Quilt

Monday, July 6, 2009

Camille from Simplify and Carrie from Miss Rosie's Quilt Co. have started something. They are asking us to show our first quilt and last quilt. Wish the pictures were better....but it's a cloudy day....and I'm lazy.

This is my very first quilt. It was machine pieced and hand quilted. Look at the fold lines and color loss from light damage! I need to lay this "antique" out flat on a bed to give it a rest. The colors really date it don't they?

I worked part-time at a shop called The Saltbox Sampler in Overland Park, KS. in about 1985 until about 1997 or 98. After retiring from Nursing and staying home with my kids I really needed a part time job. You can imagine chasing and cleaning up after 4 kids can really make you want a part-time job. Anything really, to get out of the house for a bit was great. Quilting was my passion...so I thought about teaching. I made this project and asked Gloria and Karen (the shop owners of the Saltbox Sampler) if I could teach. I'm surprised the faith the shop owners had in my ability to do this...but maybe after they knew I taught Lamaz Classes they thought, if you can "teach" a woman to have a baby ...you can teach her to quilt. (I'm not pretending to do either very well here. Really....all that breathing is pretty hard when a baby is on the way....and maybe supporting a woman through childbirth is the better term here.)

This was my first applique quilt. One of my friends, Rodene Newman taught me the applique stitch and she changed my life. I immediately went home and cut out shapes and safety pinned them to the background fabric. By the time I finished this quilt I had the applique stitch down pat. I think applique has been my favorite since. I think this looks a bit like a cross stitch sampler. Although I really didn't cross stitch at the time I designed this quilt. The house....initials ...the date and the border would really be great cross stitched don't you think? hmmmm

This was the last quilt I made....it was completed last summer. I have done some small projects and some cross stitch....but no quilts. This is Barb's design and we both made one for our last book "When The Cold Wind Blows" published by the Kansas City Star. I loved making this quilt. The large shapes made each block easy and fast to sew. It gave me a chance to experiment with the use of blue for all of the leaves and stems. I loved experimenting with the large rick rack border too. Sometimes when I finish a large applique quilt the last thing I want to do is another applique border. The rick rack gives an easy scallop finish to the quilt.

There you have it! You can join the fun too. Go to Camille's and Carries blog and post your first and last quilt!

Until later.



  1. From your first to your "last", they are beautiful!! I love to do applique also :) I think, for me, it is the satisfaction of creating with my hands. I have been cross stitching for almost 40 years (OMG!!!) and no matter what other "craft" project I try I always come back to cross stitch! Thanks for sharing. Your blog is always an inspiration :)

  2. What fun to see your first and last quilts! I'm thinking of doing this too, but I have to contemplate what my first and last quilts were! :D

  3. Alma,

    Thank you so much for sharing your first and last quilts. I enjoyed reading about them. I read about Carrie and Camille's challenge earlier today and I think it will be great fun. I just need to drag out my first quilt for photos. Be prepared for cobalt blue, apple green, and taxi cab yellow. Um, yeah...

  4. Oh, I loved hearing some of your quilting history! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Gorgeous! I wish I had the time and the patience to learn to quilt. They are so lovely!

  6. Those are impressive first quilts! And the newest one, ~wow~

  7. Helen,

    I can hardly wait to see yours! The colors sound wild.


  8. Wow, your quilts are gorgeous. I love the first one as much as the last. I also really love the big ric rac border. What a cleaver idea. Hope you are having a fun summer.

  9. *sigh* This confirms it, only gorgeous quilts can come from you. I thought that might be the case...

    Thanks for joining in- your blog is always great for some eye candy!

  10. Simply stunning. When I first learned to quilt a guest speaker said quilters bounce around for a few years and try everything. Then when you find your passion, become a master of it. YOU have become a master of applique. This is a wonderful piece of work, Thanks for sharing.

  11. Your quilts are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing them.


  12. Very nice quilts...your applique is beautiful...that first quilt is so pretty...not the dud that mine is!

  13. What gorgeous quilts! All of them are, the first through the last. I can only imagine the treasure trove of quilt beauties that you have!

  14. Not knowing the first thing about quilting, I'm always in awe of those who do - your quilts are amazing, Alma!

  15. I love your first quilt - it almost looks like an antique! And the recent quilt just blows me away - it's fabulous!

  16. Oh this is so unfair! Have you ever made an icky quilt? I love your first pieced quilt and your first applique quilt. As for your most recent quilt ~ I love that quilt. I mean it, I LOVE that quilt.

    I always enjoy your books ~ and yours and Barb's quilts, but When the Cold Wind Blows is just one huge, lovely piece of eye candy.

  17. I just learned the art of needle turn applique and I am completely addicted. Wool applique has been my thing for the past 10 years, so to add needle turn to the mix has been fun. You quilts are quite incredible along with all of your designs. You are an inspiration to all and thanks for sharing the pictures!

  18. i love the.. if she can teach women to have a baby she can teach them to quilt!! i have a degree in elem ed... so if i can teach kids does that mean i can teach someone to quilt? i hope so!! all of your quilts are beautiful... just what i expected!

  19. I really enjoyed reading your story. Those first quilts are unbelievable! The applique quilt does remind me of a sampler.

    Your last quilt is one of the prettiest I've ever seen. Your work is amazing!

  20. Those flower pots are really cool!

  21. Wow! I love the colors in all of the quilts you showed us. I aspire to someday quilt a Baltimore Album style quilt. Thank you for sharing with us. Have a great day.

  22. that's a pretty big 1st quilt!! more ambitious than i was, that's for sure!

  23. Oh my goodness, my fingers hurt just looking at those photos! What an immense amount of work but what a payoff! Gorgeous.

  24. Oh, I'm glad you joined the parade. I have been a big fan of Blackbird designs ever since I saw you in American Patchwork & Quilting a few years ago. You have lovely, lovely designs and both of the quilts you shared are wonderful. Thanks for sharing with us.

  25. How wonderful! I remember now coming through and visitn Saltbox and you were there then. I bought that pattern. Love it and love you!

  26. I love all your work. I've been a fan of yours since I discovered your books a few years ago. I work at a quilt shop in Tulsa and your books are snatched off the shelves as soon as they come in. I enjoyed seeing your first and last quilts.

  27. I took your class for your first quilt at Saltbox Sampler. Still have your handwritten pattern and directions. I jumped in with both feet and made a king-size- same navy and red. I have loved to see your business grow! Moving back to Kansas in July and hope to find similar shops as the old Saltbox Sampler!!!


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