
Charming Billy and a contest

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Do you remember the song...."Billy Boy"? You can hear a lovely, very cleaned up version here. Wait though....a quick warning! If you listen you will be singing and humming it all day. Better to listen at night and then quickly go to bed. Hopefully you won't remember a thing in the morning.
A much more fun version is here.
Why all hoopla about a song?
Below is the answer.

Out in the country, we get "cast off" pets. The ones that don't work out well for other people. They drive their pets out to the country and drop their dog or cat to "live off the land" so to speak. We have 4 cats...one male who was dropped off in the dead of winter about 7 years ago, two feral male kittens found in our hedge row during a 4th of July party 10 years ago and this one pictured above who showed up last winter starving. Dave (my husband) named this one Henrietta. He worked hard getting her to tolerate him sitting near while she ate. Then one morning he came in and told me she was really a he and changed his name to Henry. So we have 4 male cats....it can get pretty hostile around here.

Every now and again Henry doesn't show up for dinner or breakfast. I wonder if he is ok....or has been hit by a car. But then in a day or two, he's back meowing for food. As I took out his food this song came to mind....

Oh, where have you been,
Billy Boy, Billy Boy?
Oh, where have you been,
Charming Billy?
I have been to seek a wife,
She's the idol of my life.
She's a young thing,
And cannot leave her mother.

I went back inside and told Dave, "I'm afraid Henry needs to be called Charming Billy and we better take him to the vet and get him fixed!" (And by "we" I really mean Dave.) Henry's still pretty skittish though....My husband doesn't think he could pick him up for long. But Henry better go before there are more cats to feed.

Barb and I are taking a "working" vacation this next week. We are going to Gulf Shores, Alabama. We will get up early look at the beach and quilt or stitch the morning away. In the afternoon we are out in the sun....and then back to work in the evening. My skin will look like a leather suitcase when I return home! (I can hardly wait!!!) We will report this next week from the beach. Pictures and fun info. from Barb to follow soon.

Meantime....another contest.
respond in the comment section with the word quilt or cross stitch...
Deadline: Entry must be dated no later than the 5th
Will notify winners by Sunday the 7th

5 winners for this prize...

If you write "quilt" in the comment section and you win, you can have your pick of one of our quilt books published by the Kansas City Star.
If you write "cross stitch" in the comment section and you win, you can have 1 each of the retired loose feathers from our first year (2003) 6 patterns in all.
If you write "cat" in the comment section you will automatically win 4 Tom cats! I will personally drive them to your house!

Good luck dear friends!



  1. Cross stitch sounds like a good word.

  2. Cross stitch please!


  3. Definitely cross stitch for me!

  4. I did some "Quilting" today, just a scrappy quilt, but was fun and relaxing. Have fun on your trip.


  5. Oh this is really hard...I love all your books and patterns! Retired patterns would be awesome but I love your quilt books so much....ok....here I go....QUILT!

  6. Cat woops no I meant cross stitch please count me in the draw.

  7. I would like to cross stitch cats on a quilt.

    I'm easy. I cross stitch, quilt, and have been suckered into 3 cats. I'll take whatever I get. ;)

  8. Hmmm, I love all three but cross stitch is what I'd like to win! I have 2 *kitties* already.

    ps I am so glad you have given these poor abandoned animals a home. I guess you guys are cat *oops* Kitty Angels!

  9. Better say QUILT! Hubby would never go for the cats!

  10. Cross Stitch and Cat. Seriously if I lived within driving distance I would totally help rescue abandoned kitties or doggies or whatever. Don't laugh :) I once rescued a snapping turtle. I live in the country and know exactly what you are talking about. That is really great of you to help those cats.

    biscornus at gmail dot com

  11. Love your blog and cross stitch! Thank you for your generosity and a wonderful blog full of pretties!

  12. Quilt...though I'd like to say Cat!
    I have two of my own who would be quite miffed at any feline additions to the house...

  13. Cross stitch :)
    Thanks so much for having another give-away.
    Blessings, Patti

  14. Cross Stitch, Pleaseeeeee!!!!

    What a sweet sweet 'boy' Henry is!

  15. It must be QUILT! Enjoy your trip.

  16. Cross Stitch! Fingers crossed!!!

  17. Hi girls, I love all your designs,but I have to say quilting has my heart. Have great vacation! Laura

  18. definitely cross stitch .. love all your patterns!!! ... have fun at the beach ... i am super jealous ... karen ca

  19. I will say cross stitch, but it is a hard choice.
    Have a great trip and thanks!

  20. Cross Stitch-though a cat would be nice. Butttt, my landlord would beg to differ. Please put me in your draw.

  21. LOL, I eat, sleep and drink "QUILTS". It is the best therapy! No "C"-"A"-"T"-"S" please, I have four dogs.


  22. Quilt!

    It's tempting to choose "cat", though. If you came to my house to deliver cats, I'd love for you to give me decorating advice while you were here.

  23. It's a tough decidion to make between quilt and cross stitch!
    I would say "quilt" this time :)
    Enjoy your "working" vacation and show us how it was when you are back...

  24. Definitely cross stitch (although cats are tempting!). Enjoy the sun and surf!

  25. Quilt or cross stitch that is the question !!!

    I would say "Quilt" for my mum. June 7 is mother's day in France

  26. Thank you for the contest, it's so kind of you!
    Cross stitch!

  27. I'll say quilt - a bit far for you to come with the cats.:)

  28. I would say CAT but there isn't a road to Scotland so you can't drive one over...so I had better say QUILT. I am eying off that gorgeous baske quilt!!!! Thanks and I will start praying to win. I love all of the designs!!! Thanks, xxxRobby

  29. My first option would be CAT, but you will not be willing spending thousand dollars for shippement to Israel, right ?

    So, please add me to the CROSS STITCH list, please.

  30. I'm not a lover of the C word with 4 legs, so I'll choose the other C - my passion in life, cross stitch.

  31. QUILT.Please....Love your story on your Feline's...Enjoy your stitching time away...sounds Heaven..

  32. Cross Stitch - is what I like!

  33. Cross stitch!
    (thanks for the exciting opportunity:)

  34. What a wonderful contest...but tough to choose. OK definitely no cats...allergies and all...and if I must choose then...quilts! Thank you for the opportunity & happy vacationing to you both.

  35. I would like to say "CROSS STITCH", too!:o)

  36. Stitch please!
    I am so tempted to write the feline word - but I don't think it would go down very well with our spoiled rotten male named Freddie - so I will have to pass on that one!
    It did make me smile though, to imagine you trying to drive four misbehaving male cats around1

    Best wishes,


  37. Cross stitchhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!

  38. Quilt, please - and thank you, I love your blog.

  39. I LOVE all your 'cross stitch' designs. I love cats too,are you willing to drive to Australia to deliver them?

  40. Cats? Maybe not this time... 4 cats in 4 rooms? maybe it is possible, but there shall I cross stitch or make my first quilt? I do not know, which one of this two to choose. I cross stich with longer ir shorter breakes more than 20 years. And I want to try quilting... So choose for me, if I'll be lucky...
    Thank you for your contest and have nice and creative vacations

  41. Cross stitch of course :)))

  42. A though choice...
    -There is no bridge over the ocean and we already feed several outside cats...
    -I have almost all the quilt books/or can buy them...
    -The 2003 LF charts are OOP... (5 or 6?) ;o)

    So I say: cross stitch. :o)

    Thank you for all the fun, and please count me in!
    Have a save trip!

  43. I'd like to say Cats :)))... but long way to Belgium... so Cross Stitch please :)))))...
    Thanks, Elena.

  44. Gosh - Charming Billy brings back to mind the "Little House" series as it's one of the songs Pa would play for Ma when he was feeling cheeky ... I loved that series of books!

    Please enter me in the cross stitch draw - thank you very much!

  45. I would love to win one of your QUILT books!

  46. I love cross stitch!!!!!!
    Thank you sooo much for the opportunity~~

  47. Hard choice, hmm, CROSS STITCH please!

  48. Cross stitch still is my favourite word, altough I would like you to drive by to deliver the other 4 furry things, but I hihgly doubt my Irish Wolfhound would tolorate them. Have fun at the beach!!

  49. Can I choose cross stitch please??
    Thanks for the opportunity!!


  50. I'll play along and say quilt, but you know I'm tempted to say cat just to see you bring 4 cats to France LOL!!!!!!

    Quilt it is for me!!!

    Hope you are well, actually knowing you'll be having fun and work at the beach sounds heavenly!!!!

    Take care both of you!!!

    PS: meeting you in Nantes was great and I still treasure the moment!!!

    Nathalie - alias Potiron

  51. Oooh... cross stitch please! :)

  52. Quilt!Quilt! Have a nice trip.

  53. oh Alma this is a fun contest!!!
    I love cross stitch ;)))))
    happy holiday
    ciao Maria

  54. You're so good to feed Billy and the others. I have a stray c*t Gaston who looks a lot like him. Quilt, quilt, I want to win!

  55. I love the Charming Billy song! :D I would like to write "Cat" here but (1) my husband might actually leave me if I did, and (2) it's not possible to drive here from there. LOL. So I will write "Cross stitch" and keep my fingers crossed (when I'm not stitching, that is!).

  56. Cross-Stitch for me!!!!

    and i think I live too far away to qualify for the tom CATs....

    ( I have one of my own!)

    hugs and thanks for this chance...

  57. Quilt!

    And...maybe you have a cat that likes you better than their owner? We had a cat once that would disappear for long stretches, then one day we picked him up off our front lawn while our neighbour from down the street was walking by - he said, oh! is that your cat? I thought he was homeless!! Turns out the neighbour was "sharing" our cat.

  58. Another one for Cross Stitch, please! Although I was briefly tempted by the cats, but, like others, live a little too far away ;)

  59. Cross stitch .
    From another Barb in the UK

  60. Ah, bless you for taking in those animals, Alma! It drives me crazy when people don't treat their animals well. So, I cross stitch to let out some of my anxiety. ;)

    Enjoy your vacation!

  61. Quilt though I love both!!!
    Relax on your vacay.
    Karin :)
    in NY

  62. Cross stitch, please!

    Your Henry is so handsome (I love tabbies). Have a great vacation, it sounds idyllic.

  63. OOOOOOH!!!!!!!
    Quilt please!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I've got one of your books, but could not have enough! You folks are my favourite!
    Lynda UK :o)

  64. You inspire me with your QUILT patterns!

  65. cross stitch is my favourite

  66. Quel dommage, je ne cause pas anglais...
    Bises !

  67. cross stitch please although the cats are very tempting!!

  68. Cross Stitch!
    Love it! :)

  69. I am just starting on your basket quilt with Barbara in Sweden's webring... I absolutely love all the designs you do, and need to start buying up all your books to come live with me in Ireland! I'd write cat in here just to get a visit from you but don't think it will be easy to drive to Ireland! Thanks for all the wonderful inspiration, you seem to be living the ideal crafty life there, making a living from something you love to do...hope I can do that too someday, when my 4 and 6 year old grow up a bit more :)

  70. I am so not into cross stitch or felines but I do love to quilt! Good to see that these poor moggies have found a home.

  71. cross stitch!!
    And I love the story of living in the country, getting all the strays!! Same thing here!!!!

  72. I live out in the country, too, and we get just loads of animals dumped (such a shame!). All of our outdoor kitties were castoffs, as well as a black lab who we gifted to a friend who had three boys....

    I'm torn between the cross stitch and the quilts, but in the end, since I already have quite a few of your cross stitch patterns and NO QUILT patterns/books, I would choose the quilt book. Please pick me!!!

    Love this blog ;o)
    Lauralee >^.^<

  73. I'll take a cat, I mean quilt!
    Jess W.

  74. I love to cross stitch & your patterns are wonderful. Sounds like a fun vacation.

  75. Quilt! Hope you and Barb have a great working vacation!

  76. Cross stitch, please.

    Thank you very much. And my 3 rescue cats thank you, too.

  77. I quilt, cross stitch and I love your blog!

  78. I love everything Alma :

    Cats, Quilt ans cross stitch :)))))
    But if I have to chose one, it would be CAT, so I would meet you again.

    Waiting for you..ha ha ha
    Véro in France

  79. Quilt I have so many of your books and really like your blog. i used to cross stitch but life, family and job forced somethings to be dormant for a while. Great blog

  80. quilt!
    Love the picture of Henry eating!
    are all of these outside cats?
    sounds like a great vacation!
    enjoy yourself.

  81. I adore cats and cross stitch! Your patterns are awesome!

  82. Cross stitch would be awesome!!!


    jill aka mary

  83. I'm tempted to say C.A.T. but you would have to drive to Holland if I win, and that might be tricky, so I'll go for cross stitch, please :o)

  84. I am loving your cross stitch stocking patterns. One done from January and many more to go!

  85. I love a cat and cross stitch!
    But this time,cross stitch!!!!

    Have a nice trip!

  86. Quilt please! Love the blog! Have a great vacation!

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. I do love cross-stitch and have always wanted to learn quilting - so, since I have the Loose Feathers patterns already - I go with Quilts! (I'd say cat - one for each of my three boys, but my dear husband wouldn't go for it!)

  89. QUILT !!!
    (I already have 3 cats .....)

  90. Cross stitch but I love all the things you do. Have a good trip.

  91. "Cross stitch" is the healing word for me ;- ))

  92. My choice has to be Quilt.

    Nancy E

  93. A quilt book would be great to win!!!

  94. Please make mine cross stitch...I've got all your quilting books....I can't wait for the new one due out this month, I hope??? Have a great vacation!

  95. I would have to say Quilt as I already own all the Loose Feathers patterns.
    Thank you so much

  96. So hard as I love both! But I'll say Quilt.

    Lori Rippey

  97. Cross stitch please!!

  98. Cross Stitch because I like to cross stitch and out all my wurries in every stitch.

  99. CROSS STITCH. If I shout and jump up and down does that increase my odds of winning? Thanks for your lovely work and enjoy Alabama!

  100. For me it will be QUILT can's wait to see your new book.

    Have a nice 'working' holidays and say hello to Barb,
    With love Marjan, the Netherlands

  101. Oh my gosh Alma...every time I read your blog I am so very happy....just starts my day with smiles and a warm heart. I would love to receive your OOP Loose Feathers cross stitch patterns. The cats are a close second though! Have a wonderful and productive vacation!! Hugs

  102. Cross stitch. thanks for these great contests!

  103. since I already have all the loose feathers I say quilt!!!!! :D

  104. Oh which one, which one. Okay, cross stitch!
    NO CATS...have two girls and a boy.

  105. Would have to be "Cross Stitch" for me, though if you have any of your fabrics to give away, I'd rather say "Fabric" as my collection isn't complete! ;-) Can't wait to see the next new releases on both cross stitch & your fabrics!

  106. Cross Stitch please!

    Thank you for another wonderful contest!!

    Now back to my "stitching".....

  107. Cross stitch rocks!

    And so do people who take care of the local furry population (to make sure it doesn't explode!)

  108. For me it's all about the QUILT.

  109. If I hadn't just been to the humane society and got 2 cats just this week then I'd be tempted to go for the cats lol!! But I'll put QUILT instead since that's my passion:)

  110. Stitch..thanks!!! Mona Bost

  111. I am on a QUILT kick lately...and would love a new book!

  112. I am tempted to say C.A.T. just to see if you would drive them all the way to my house but I think that our two would not appreciate sharing their home.
    Soooooo, the word is cross stitch.

  113. We also live in the country and have drop off animals. I have taken many in or feed them. I just can't let an animal starve. The cats I feed but two dogs I've taken in with my own and always get them fixed. They have been good pets and when they have past on they got their own QUILT to go with them
    PattiO odonnell@cimtel.net

  114. i love to QUILT

  115. Cross stitch... or quilt... or cross stitch... or quilt.... Help! I can't choose!!! Will you please, make a decision for me? Thanks!

  116. I love cross stitch and CATS!!! I am owned by 4 furry felines, who showed up one day in our barn and decided to stay.

  117. Quilt, I don't think my two dogs would approve of four new housemates!

  118. Cross stitch is my thing. And please NO cats. :) There are way too many in my neighborhood now. As well as one in my house. :) Along with a number of cross stitched cat and dog pieces.
    I would love to be able to win some of your older patterns. Thanks

  119. "I made a little quilt with a cross stitch label...I sure hope my cat does not scratch it while on my quilting table!"


  120. Cat ;-)
    And more seriously (I have 2 cats an 2 dogs, 2 of them abandoned !) Cross Stitch

  121. Cross stitch for me please. Thank you. I would love the chance to meet you, but I am not saying that "C" word!!!

  122. I'd love to win a QUILT book:)

  123. I don't care if it is a quilt pattern or cross-stitch, if it has your name on it I'll love it. Sandi in Alabama szil949@yahoo.com

  124. Although I enjoy both, I am going with cross stitch today please.

  125. CROSS STITCH for me please!

    (And, if someone else's name gets picked for that I'll take the cats! We already have a zillion so what's four more!)

  126. Beth bafr at verizon dot netJune 5, 2009 at 8:01 AM

    Cross stitch, please.

  127. Cross stitch, pretty please!

    Lisa P in SW OH

  128. Cross Stitch for me! thank you!

  129. Quilt please and thank you!

  130. Would love to have a quilt book!

  131. Sweet contest...I say cross stitch for me...thank you.
    Enjoy your get-away...hugs, Linda

  132. I'm a cross stitch addict and I'm happy about that! :D

  133. Well since I have a lot of your quilt books (except for the first ones that are out of print) I will try cross stitch! I just started the beautiful quilt in your last book! Thanks for all the beautiful pieces.

  134. Thank you for entering me in your giveaway! I have always wanted to learn how to QUILT :)

    Have a great weekend!


  135. Wow!

    Cross stitch pretty please!


  136. I was going to say cat, but I don't think the drive across the Atlantic would do much for your car so cross stitch please ;)

  137. Cross Stitch for me.
    I'm so glad to see the stray cats are loved and cared for.

  138. Crossstitch works for me,since quilting is really not my thing

  139. I love a good contest. Quilt! :-)

  140. I'd love cats and cross stitch, but my one girl kitty is a very nervous and shy kitty - she doesn't tolerate change or people (and especially other kitties) very well, so cross stitch it is please!

    Thank you for the chance at the generous contest

  141. cross stitch! Thanks!

  142. cross stitch please!

  143. Wow! 170 comments already!! I would love to win either...but since I've just gotten back into cross-stitching...cross stitch it is!!
    Thanks for the tune...it came to mind without listening now it's running thru my head! lol

  144. Oh, that is a very hard choice. Cross stitch!
    Thank-you for a chance.

  145. Cross-stitch :)

    Thanks ~ Jeanne

  146. cross stitch...but I really like cats.

  147. Cross stitch!! Would love the cats, but we also live in the country - I have six that love me for my food!

  148. Cross stitch please - (I really want to say cats but my dear husband would go mad if I brought another pet home :-) )

    Thanks for having another contest! Enjoy your time at the beach.

    Cari in Virginia

  149. Cross Stitch!!! :)

    Have a wonderful time at Gulf Shores!! Take a break from stitching and grab a meal at Lulu's. :) Yummy!

  150. I love to quilt and I love to cross stitch and I'd love to have anything you have to offer (except the cats!)

    Karen L.

  151. Cross stitch please! I'm working on the 'Trick or Treat' quilt at the moment. Great blog!

  152. cross stitch, please

  153. cross stitch please

  154. Quilt, quilt, quilt!! (and yes, I am obnoxiously jumping up and down and waving my arms)

  155. Cross Stich! Thank you so much.

  156. Cat please!
    I really would love for you to drive them to my place! (I live in The Haque (Holland)

    Oh, and if you are gona come this way would you please bring me the Quiltbook with the lovely baskets. I've already started selecting fabrics for that one :)

    Kind Regards,

  157. Cross stitch is a fun and wonderful thing!! Thanks for a fun and wonderful blog!


    Have a great vacation too!


  159. Quilts I am going to rug camp... want to come along... your vacations sounds fun too! I wanted to say cats... that way we would get you to come to california... Emily Gai;

  160. Cross stitch please. Love your
    blog. Always interesting. Please no cats, we also live in the country and now have about 20 cats.

  161. Quilt your heart away down on the beach! Nancy in WI

  162. Have a great quilt vacation!


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